Four Fundamentals for Raising Employee Engagement

Did you know that when an employee leaves their job, 67% of the time it’s not the job, it’s the boss? Of course, you know the importance of preventing your best employees from becoming someone else’s best talent, but how exactly do you do it? Here are four ways to build trust and win their loyalty.

one. Face time matters. Personal contact is important as it creates an emotional connection to the organization. Whether you have an onsite or remote workforce, be sure to connect with them regularly. It’s more than offering an “open door policy”: get out of your office and walk around. Pick up the phone and talk to your team. Connect with your team members the way they want to be contacted. Some people prefer to text, others via email, while others like to talk face to face. Personal contact matters. Take a hint from the TV show “Undercover Boss” and put yourself in the shoes of your employees. Understand what they are dealing with on a daily basis and they will be much more willing to give their best in their work.

2. Express appreciation. Catch your employees doing the right things. What is recognized is repeated, so let them know specifically what they are doing well. It seems like organizations are spending a ton of money on “stuff”: providing employees with vast catalogs from which they can choose any number of rewards. Although it’s a nice gesture, it’s not the prize that creates an emotional connection. It is the heartfelt verbal expression or handwritten note of thanks for a job well done that is treasured. A woman in one of my programs recently shared that the thank you notes she wrote to her staff members two years ago are still posted on her bulletin boards. Writing it down makes a difference. Handwritten notes are tangible evidence that employees can refer to when they need a lift.

3. Ask questions. Are you afraid to ask your employees what they want because you fear their “unreasonable demands”? Often what you’ll find is that it doesn’t take much to keep your team happy. Once your basic needs are met, small adjustments make a big difference. Soliciting your staff’s suggestions and ideas can give you a perspective you may not have considered. Inviting your staff members to share their opinion means a lot, acting on their suggestions seals the deal.

Four. Complaints welcome. Marshall Fields said: “Those who buy support me. Those who come to flatter me, please me. Those who complain, teach me how I can please others into buying from me. The only ones who hurt me are those who are upset but They do not do it”. to complain. They deny me permission to correct my mistakes and thus improve my service.” This quote is as applicable to employees as it is to customers. Office gossip isn’t going to go away, however, you can avoid its negative consequences by making it safe for employees to express their opinions. When you know what is really going on within your organization, you can take the necessary steps to correct what needs to be fixed and not suffer long-term negative effects. Remember: if you are asking the question, be willing to be open to the answer, no matter what it is.

Using these four simple strategies not only increases employee engagement, loyalty, and retention, but leads to the 3 big “Ps”: productivity, passion, and profit. The best part? These ideas won’t cost you an arm and a leg to implement.