Importance of water: 5 reasons why water is essential

The importance of water is something that is always heard, and yet many people don’t really know why it is so important. There are a number of reasons. Remember, the body is 70% water, so it would make sense that it is extremely important to consume plenty of water. Furthermore, the brain is made up of 95% H2O.

Because you are so dependent on this fluid, you can survive only a few days without it, while you can survive fifteen to twenty days without eating. In fact, even a slight 2% decrease in the amount of H2O in your system can lead to dehydration.

So why is this liquid so important? Here are five reasons:

#1) Lubricates the cells

100% of our cells depend on H20 to function properly. Without it, your system basically shuts down, just like an engine without oil would.

#2) Generate saliva

H2O is responsible for providing the saliva necessary to eat.

#3) Regulate body temperature

It is responsible for controlling the temperature of the system, which is why drinking it is so important when exercising. Otherwise, your body will heat up dramatically.

#4) Speed ​​up metabolism

#5) Purify the system

The liquid cleanses your system of harmful toxins that you get from the food you eat. When you eat little, your body accumulates toxins. Therefore, flushing your system regularly is very important to keep things clean on the inside and ensure everything is working properly.

So how do you get enough water? Obviously drinking it is important, and you should aim for 12-16 glasses a day. Additionally, consuming foods high in water content provides another excellent source of fluid. The healthiest foods are usually fruits and vegetables.

The bottom line: the importance of water cannot be underestimated. Since the body is 70% water, it would make sense that your

the diet should reflect that. Follow these tips to get more H2O, and you’ll soon be looking and feeling healthier and more energized.