White Van Man, avoid driving ban – make sure you have van insurance!

One of the most important aspects of being a ‘man with a van’ is, of course, the van. A man without a truck is just a man, and one who can’t make a living because his truck has been impounded while he was driving without truck insurance.

When one of the most important factors in your job is mobility, it’s vital to make sure you’re adequately covered in the event of an accident, as time off the road equals lost income.

For those of you who use a van for your work; painters, decorators, and delivery men, among others, you may want to look into truck insurance to help get you back on the road as quickly as possible, in the unfortunate event of an accident.

There are so many different types of van insurance out there. Gone are the days when third parties, third party fire and theft, and full compensation were the only options. Today, insurance companies are offering tailored policies to meet the needs of individuals.

It certainly pays to do a little research to find the different types of van insurance available and think hard about which aspects of a policy are most appropriate and worthwhile for you.

For example, if most of your driving takes place in the city, then a standard policy that offers protection against theft, hit and miss is probably appropriate. On the other hand, if you drive a lot in rural areas, it may be best to look for a policy that offers protection against pothole and flood damage. And these policies do exist, they just require a little research and a good understanding of the van insurance market.

We’re all guilty of choosing our policy solely on the basis of price, after all, who wants to spend their hard-earned money on insurance when it could be spent on a holiday or in a pub? But it really is worth taking a minute to think about how much a custom-made van insurance policy could save you in the long run, should you have a serious accident.

Truck insurance coverage can also be purchased for varying lengths of time, so if you plan to expand your business in the future, adding additional vehicles to your current policy is a definite option.