Auto Insurance Price Comparison

We all want to get the best deal on everything we buy, including car insurance. Getting the best rates takes a little effort and some preparation. Here are some things you can do to help you get the best car insurance rates.

Get Multiple Quotes – One of the best and easiest ways to save money on your auto insurance is to shop around. The internet has made it very easy to compare rates for multiple carriers in a matter of minutes. A good rule of thumb is to get 5 quotes before making a decision. It is a competitive business and many companies will work very hard to earn your business. Even if you currently have coverage, it’s a good idea to get updated quotes every 6 months.

Take advantage of discounts – Most insurance companies will offer discounts for a variety of things. It is up to you to ask for them and provide the information because many times they do not volunteer the information. Some popular discounts are: multi-car discount, good driver discount, good student discount, and having a car alarm. You can also get reduced rates if you use the same insurance company for your other insurance needs, like home, life, and health.

· Driving courses – Many insurance companies will offer discounts if you complete driver safety classes or defensive driving classes. The money and time you spend on classes will more than pay for themselves with the reduced fees in the long run.

Higher deductible – You may want to consider increasing your deductible in an effort to lower your monthly car premiums. If you decide to go this route, just make sure you’ll be able to absorb the deductible if you ever have an accident.

Type of car – Many people buy a vehicle without even considering the impact it will have on their insurance. The reality is that the type of car you drive is one of the biggest areas that affects your rates. Be prepared to pay higher rates for sports cars and SUVs. Cars that are among the most stolen and have a higher incidence of theft will also have their rates increased. The next time you’re shopping for a car, consider the insurance implications of the car you choose and add it to the sticker price.

· Drive less – This is a very easy and practical thing you can do to help get lower car insurance rates. Most companies have special discounts for drivers who drive less than a certain number of miles per year. It may make sense for you to look into carpooling or using public transportation. This will provide a double benefit, not only will you save on your car insurance, but you will also save on gas.