What will you do to make yourself BIG?

If you don’t push yourself and refuse to proactively do everything you can to become the best you can be, no one else will! Commit to taking the time and making the effort regularly to get checked out, from the neck up, in a true, objective, and introspective way, so that you can realistically know and understand your strengths and weaknesses and proceed. , forward, to harness and effectively utilize all strengths, while addressing areas of personal weakness! Ask yourself what you are ready, willing and able to do, and what you will do, to truly become yourself. GREAT? With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Goals; personal growth): How will you create your personal goals and why do you think these are the ones that mean the most to you? Create a series of goals, instead of one, and consider them, not only short term, but also medium and long term. What do they represent for you and how could they change your life, for the better, in a relevant and sustainable way? How will you measure your personal growth, and why do you think improvement in these areas are personal priorities and truly meaningful to your health, happiness, contentment, and well-being?

two. Realistic; manager: It doesn’t help you to look at your life wearing blinders and/or rose colored glasses! It will only improve when/if appropriate, in a realistic way and focus on how to improve! Emphasize the most responsible course of action you need to take to make a significant difference in your own life!

3. efforts; Excellence; empathy: Doesn’t it make sense to move on, using your efforts effectively, so that you can constantly demand your highest degree of personal excellence, instead of accepting good enough? Be willing to listen to others, so you can better understand their needs and priorities, and understand how acting with genuine empathy makes you a much better person.

Four. Attitude; fitness; attention; Values: Go ahead, with a positive can-do attitude, so that you consider how you can succeed, instead of focusing on all the reasons, you could fail! Every day, commit to improving your aptitude and skill set, so you can harness them and become a better person. Instead of constantly avoiding and/or procrastinating, be ready, willing and able to pay attention and choose, proactively taking the best action!

5. to be honest; time tested; prompt; trends: It may feel more comforting in the short term to lie to yourself, but only when you’re honest is it better! Balancing time: proven knowledge and experience, proceeding with well-considered and timely actions (instead of procrastinating), and finding out if any recent/current trends could be beneficial will help you along the way , quality, growth and personal development!

What will you do to ensure that you have the opportunity to be, like GREAT, how could you become Will you commit to the necessary actions?