virtual freedom

These days, some radical people would go so far as to call MMORPG games “a plague”, especially religious extremists. After all, think of World of Warcraft: there is a lot of black and white magic, hordes of the undead, reincarnation is very well reproduced and many other things that would give nightmares to some people who have no better occupation than seeking evil where everything is as clean as a white dove, if you ask me. The funny part is that these kinds of games didn’t just “materialize” out of thin air with the first text-based MUD clients, because my take is this: the freedom of the spirit that allows you to impersonate someone else is the first brick in the roots of the whole MMORPG world we see today, and this is what I was able to discover today…

In those early days of mankind, when dinosaurs roamed the earth freely and our ancestors lived in cold, dark caves, a guy in a cave started talking to himself, walking around like crazy, fighting with his own shadow, and, sometimes even talk to animals. It all ended when he tried to talk to a dinosaur, but since the dinosaur saw him as dinner… this tale ends here, but I see it as the first appearance of “role playing…”

After a few thousand years, when communities got bigger and bigger, I think multiplayer role-playing games started to appear, especially in those places where the madmen stuck together. They also had dungeons available now, so this naturally leads us to…

…the multi-user dungeon (sometimes “Domain” or “Dimension”), known for short as “MUD”, an early text-based multiplayer computer game that combines elements of role-playing games, hack games and slash and social chat rooms. I know some guys who were crazy about those games, even though I never found them fun.

Eventually, it all became a worldwide craze as soon as World of Warcraft became popular, but, as you probably already know, WoW was not the first MMORPG, because this badge is being shared by classics like Ultima Online or the “old” Newerwinter. . Nights delivered through America Online in 1991.

Anyway, there’s a lot of game history to talk about, but I don’t want that. The only thing I want to point out is the freedom that these types of games offer, since I have no idea where you can kill your boss, your neighbors and all your friends, and then get away with it. Well, as for the boss, if he finds out you were that level 25 undead priest who kicked the ass of his level 30 human rogue… you might not get away with it so lightly, but that’s the way it is! life, after all!

I was about to leave you here, but you have to remember that the release date of Wrath Of The Lich King is getting closer, so if you are still one of those who are still far from this fascinating MMORPG world, and one of its shining jewels of this moment , World of Warcraft, giving it a try won’t hurt. After all, when you don’t have enough freedom in real life, why not try the virtual alternative?