Unmetered dedicated servers: the good and the bad

Unlike metered servers that get specific amounts of bandwidth in GB each month, unmetered servers do not have this type of bandwidth metering; instead they get a specific port size. So, in the end, customers of unmetered servers are free to use as much bandwidth as the purchased port can handle. In this sense, additional cost threats are eliminated because usage is based on the chosen port size.

Dedicated servers make website management and operations quite smooth and reliable, and you’ll be in an even better position if you choose unmetered dedicated servers. With that, even when you get heavy traffic, you can still run smoothly and not worry about charges for exceeding your allotted bandwidth. However, it’s important that you understand the pros and cons of choosing an unmetered dedicated server so you can be sure it’s what your business needs before purchasing the port.

The good

You have the opportunity to enjoy the resources alone

With unmetered bandwidth, you remain the only user of the server. This means that you will be in control of managing all the information that is accessed, shared and stored on the server. With resources that are not shared, you can be sure of more uptime with minimal downtime that can ruin your business. Fast speeds are what most users want to enjoy when accessing their pages and this is exactly what you will be able to offer them with this type of server.

You will enjoy better data security

When you own a dedicated server through an unmetered plan, the security of all your data is increased. This is because you get an IP address that is unique to you and therefore protects your data. Unmetered bandwidth also gives you timely support when you need it most. This keeping in mind that the control panel is customized, which allows the IT department to manage your website, especially when you offer access permissions to selected users.

You don’t have to worry about traffic spikes

As long as you have a sizable port, your website will be able to handle all the traffic coming your way and all this without costing you excessive bandwidth usage.

The bad

You will spend more for the server.

Dedicated servers that are not metered carry some expenses. This is because the server is uniquely designed to meet the needs that you have. You may also have to deal with additional costs when setting it up, managing it, and troubleshooting it.

You will require a bit of technical knowledge.

To manage your server efficiently, you may need to know a bit about things like IP routing and server mechanisms, as well as MX records and many others. Learning what matters most and finally implementing it can be quite a tricky tactic, yet contracting services for the same could ultimately render your efforts to save using unmetered bandwidth useless. Since some problems can be difficult to fix, a little knowledge and skill will go a long way.