Top 10 Reasons to Become a Flight Attendant

That’s how it happened to me. I have been in the industry for 9 years and I say go for it! Most people consider flying to be the safest, most convenient, and fastest way to travel. As such, there has been an increased demand for labor in the aviation industry. Now, if you’re a recent grad and didn’t consider joining the field sooner, it’s not too late to change your mind. There are flight attendant training courses if you want to be ahead of your class when hired by airlines or you can do what I did. I applied and entered! He was armed with confidence, a captivating smile and a good command of the English language. Don’t forget good posture and a reasonably acceptable height.

I can tell that my career as a flight attendant feels more like a vacation than a job. Below are more reasons why you should choose to become a flight attendant.

BELONG TO A PRESTIGIOUS FAMILY. Have you ever stared at the cabin crew before boarding the plane? You can’t help but turn your head and look. Why? You want to know if they are pretty or cute, right? You hope they are. They must be physically pleasing because you will see them for most of your flight. The airline allocates a large portion of its budget to conduct interviews, screen potential candidates, and then train and nurture them as flight attendants. During the interview process, they are chosen primarily based on their appearance, height, and weight. Secondary is your communication skills. Third is his work ethic. If it meets these three criteria, it will be perfected to exude elegance and grace as projected by the airlines image. You have the opportunity to represent the company and you have the responsibility to make a good impression. You’ll be checked every time you wear your uniform, so smile and be proud.

THE PROBABILITY OF ALWAYS BEING THIN. You may have seen some overweight flight attendants, but I assure you, most of us have the ideal body weight. For a 14-hour service, we stand for 3 hours, walk and talk for 9-10 hours, and sit for one to two hours, depending on the number of passengers. You can imagine the workload and physical effort we endure. It’s like a 13 hour workout at the gym!

BECOME A FIRST HELP. I’m sure you’ve experienced emergencies before, from a simple nosebleed to cardiac arrest. What did you do? Did you call for help? Did you help him? Or did she pass out? Don’t be ashamed if you didn’t know what to do. You can learn to give first aid. A chapter will be devoted to teaching you how to save someone’s life in your career as a flight attendant. It will be very useful to you, not only when you are at work, but in every day of your life.

NOT A SWIMMER? Even if you are applying to one of the airlines in the Middle East where there are not too many bodies of water around the area, knowing how to survive in open water is still a must. In case your plane says hopefully no, you can save yourself and your passengers. Again, this skill will come in handy not only in your professional career as a flight attendant, but also when you’re vacationing in Hawaii.

GET FAMILIAR WITH AIRPORTS. So where do you go after signing up? No idea. Ask the ground crew who checked you in. Where do you go after immigration? Again, you have no idea. Ask the immigration officer. You don’t know which door you’re supposed to go to. Just ask one of the uniformed passers-by. Great! You found it. So finally, he is at the correct gate before boarding begins and still in the calmest disposition to go to his flight. To achieve this seamless experience, it is recommended to check-in 4 hours before your international flight and 3 hours if it is a domestic flight. But, as someone who is familiar with the ins and outs of airports, I might check in 2 hours before my international flight and an hour and a half if I’m flying domestic. However, you could be a frequent flyer who travels as often as a flight attendant flies.

SUNRISE AND SUNSET AT 36,000 FEET ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. I bet you have marveled when the sun rises or sets on the beaches or on the tops of the mountains. But have you ever seen the horizon when you’re 36,000 feet up? It makes you think that life is beautiful and that you are hurt by being alive.

I WILL NEVER PAY FOR EXCESS BAGGAGE. This is just our little secret, but if you are a flight attendant, you get this privilege. It pays to have the sweetest smile, an apologetic face, and a badge that shows you’re a flight attendant.

LEARN FIRST CLASS SERVICE. If you’re involved in the service industry, it pays to know how to best deal with your customers. You display professionalism and integrity in what you do. In effect, it elevates the image of the company, making it an asset and maturing as a service provider.

BE PAID ABOVE AVERAGE. Yes, the job is risky. Yes, the workload is heavy. It is because you will be paid handsomely. If you can handle the stress and still keep your sanity, you’re on your way to making a lot of money! The number one reason you should become a flight attendant is YOU CAN

TRAVEL FREE. The places to see and explore are limitless. Many people are inhibited from traveling due to the cost of airfare and accommodation expenses. With you, just check in for your flight, unwind at the hotel after work, hop on a bus, and see the world!