the game of backgammon

Objective of the game
The objective of the backgammon game is that each player has to bring their checkers to their home board and remove them from the board. The player who first leaves the board, all of his checkers, is declared the winner.

the game that begins
Each player has a cup and two dice. A die is rolled for them. The player with the highest number makes the move first, using both his and his opponent’s dice numbers. In case both players have rolled similar numbers, each must roll another die to decide who will make the first move.

throw the dice
Throughout the game, players must alternately roll the dice, just in case one player cannot make a legitimate move and thus loses their turn. The roll of the dice shows the number of pips a player has to move on his chips. The distance between one point and another, on the chip, is called the pip. If a similar number appears on both dice, such as 3-3 or 5-5 (known as a double), the player may move four times instead of twice. Therefore, if he gets 5-5, he has to move up to four chips, but each move must be five pips.

rules of rolling
• The dice must be rolled together on the surface of the right section of the board. The player must reroll both dice if a die leaves the board to the right, lands on a token, or does not land flat (known as a cocked die).

• A player can practice as many moves as he wants before making any decision.

• A turn is complete when the player collects his dice. If the play is not complete or is illegal, the opposing player has the option of accepting the play or having the player make the legal one. A roll is accepted as made the moment the opposing player rolls the dice or rolls a double to start their turn.

• When the player rolls the dice before his opponent has finished his turn taking the dice, the player’s roll is invalid.