The best tips to keep your weight down during the holidays

The holiday period is known for making dieters fall off the wagon. All that hard work you’ve been through for months can be gone in a matter of days and you have to start over. The amount of rich and delicious food on offer can seem overwhelming if you have worked so hard to lose weight. Giving in to temptation can be a constant struggle. But it does not have to be like that.

You can have fun, you can have fun with the rest of your family and friends, and you can pamper yourself without putting on those extra pounds! Consider the following tips during the holiday season:

get ready

You are fully aware that at every party or gathering you attend, there will be a glut of wonderful foods and tempting delicacies. You already know that, so get ready for it! Before you go, grab a bite to eat to whet your appetite and help resist that extra slice of chocolate cake! Try eating a handful of nuts or some fruit, or even a large glass of water – your appetite will subside and the temptation will lessen.

do not stop

Do you want something from the food table? Do it, go ahead. The only stipulation is that they try to keep the portions small. Use a smaller plate and fill it only once. Eat slowly and make portions last longer. Try not to stand next to the food table, don’t put temptation in your direct path!

If you really have to have a slice of that delicious cheesecake, go for it! Just make sure the slice is small and try not to back off for a few seconds. Take a piece that lasts perhaps three or four bites and savor it. That way you can enjoy the food without overdoing it.

Watch your liquor consumption

Be careful with the bar cabinet! Over the course of the holiday season, it can be very tempting to consume alcohol in large quantities, and many dieters are unaware of the caloric count of many alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is an easy way to completely undermine your diet, as the more you consume, the more relaxed you feel, and that can make “one more drink” more and more tempting.

When you sit back and consider the sheer number of calories you’re taking in through the alcoholic beverages you consume during the holiday season, you may find that you’ve completely undermined all of your efforts to avoid bingeing. Save yourself both hangovers and morning guilt feelings!

As you can see, it’s quite easy not to completely ditch your diet during the holiday season. All you have to do is be careful. You CAN have fun, you CAN eat whatever you want (as long as it’s small portions), and there really is no need to make yourself miserable and unhappy when it comes to a party! Just don’t overdo it, and remember that alcohol will NOT help you avoid the calories found at the desert table!