The 7 deadly enemies of success in achieving goals

Since I started my last round of MAGIC Hundred Goals last week, I have been steadily making progress on my current path. During that time, I was inundated with emails and private messages on Facebook from people asking me about the goals I had set for myself and if I had set the bar too high and unrealistic.

A lot of people tell me that maybe that kind of approach could work for me but for them they might need to do things differently. Perhaps, they tell me, they may need to keep their feet on the ground and think a little more realistically before they start setting big goals.

To that I always give the simple answer that I have used for years with people who seem stubbornly committed to thinking smaller than they should.

“If there is no enemy within, then there is no enemy without”

If that sounds a bit too cryptic, a bit too metaphysical, or a bit too ‘flaky’, let me explain it this way; the only true ‘enemies’ or obstacles to achieving your goals are the enemies and obstacles you create within your own mind.

You see, greatness, that overwhelming and all-consuming desire to be, do and have the extraordinary in your life is a choice that WE can make rather than an external decision or some kind of ‘luck’ that only a few of us ever have. once will experience.

Greatness is the combined effect of the various decisions we make day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year that shape our actions and, eventually, our destinies.

Make good decisions and your destiny (your destiny in life) will be great, hence ‘greatness’.

Since that’s true (and it is), why don’t so many of us make those big decisions that could lead us to the great life we ​​all say we long for and desire so much?

Well, just a little examination reveals EXACTLY why we went off course.

There are 7 reasons. Let’s see them:

1. Indifference – It’s crazy, I know, but many people are simply indifferent to creating a life of greatness. sure, they can talking about what they would like to do, talk about ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if…?’ but for these people there is simply never enough of a reason to get up and do what they say.

It really is a shame, because if they have the ability to even to think if they have more, they have the ability to to have plus. The only thing they are missing is a bit of passion, a reason, a WHY?

Having a powerful enough why would propel them into action faster than ever, but without it, they just talk, think but never act on any of their dreams.

2. Indecision – Some people just can’t make a decision. In fact, MOST people don’t really know what a decision is and so it’s no wonder they’re stuck in that no man’s land where they don’t take any action.

For the record, the word ‘decision’ shares its Latin roots with the word ‘incision’ and means ‘to cut off from all other possibilities’. Perhaps this is why most people struggle with making decisions. They never really separate from other options, so they go back and forth between stocks and pretty much go nowhere… fast!

The decision to quit smoking means that you are not going to ‘try’ to quit, but ‘that’s all, I’m not a smoker, I don’t do that anymore’ a decision to lose 50 pounds means you won’t abandon your exercise or diet plan because it’s going slower than you expected, but rather “Ok, that just means it’ll take a little longer before I get to eat my first ice cream or eat my first candy bar, but I WON’T until I’ve reached my goal.”

A decision adds incredible force to any target. Indecision weakens anything and everything about it.

If you haven’t really made a decision, you haven’t really set a goal for yourself.

3. Doubt – It’s amazing how many people set out to pursue goals they “know” in advance they can’t achieve.

Of course, there is no evidence that the goals are impossible, rather it is the individual’s own mentality that says so, but despite this, yet they say they are pursuing the goals and that they are important to them.

Of course they are not!

How can they be important and how is it possible that they pursue a goal that they ‘know’ they can never achieve? It’s quite a show. Smoke and mirror things that make them look like they’re being positive and proactive when they’re actually looking at all the ways they CAN’T have what they want.

Let me ask you, how hard would YOU work to achieve something that you really thought you could never have?

The answer is that you would not. You’d take the minimum amount of action you could and then tell everyone that the goal wasn’t realistic and wasn’t meant to be, right?

It’s a shame, because you don’t have to believe 100% that you’re going to have something come true for you. Sure, it’s even better when you do, but for some of us that’s a big question, right? Instead, you can agree to suspend disbelief.

That is all.

Just stop telling yourself why can not have it. It’s enough for now.

4. Concern – You can’t really separate worry from doubt. They are two sides of the same coin.

When you doubt the outcome of something, you worry about what will happen instead. Will you waste your time? Will you lose money? Will you look stupid? Will it cost you your job, your house, your relationship?

Worry can eat away at all your personal power to the point where it’s easier to be indifferent and indecisive than to pursue the goals that would change your life for the better. Worry freezes you in place wondering “what if it goes wrong?” instead of focusing on what it will be like when you achieve your goals.

Too bad, because that is the cure and the very simple antidote to worry. focus on others ‘And yes’. Tea ‘what if this all works out OK?’

5. About bail – Excessive caution is born of worry. It’s the same but it’s a slipper.

Excessive caution may allow you to take some actions toward your targets, but you will always have to take the tiniest, tiptoe steps toward them under the guise of ‘playing it safe’ or ‘reducing risk’ rather than launching a full-scale ‘assault’ on your targets with all your motivation, all your inspiration, all your passion and all your purpose.

Do that and the achievement of your goal is certain, but excessive caution tells you that now is not the right time, to be careful, to take it easy.

Excessive caution reminds you of Lao-Tsu’s quote that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” but fails to remind you that the same journey of 1,000 miles can only be completed by continuing to take steps one after another until that the journey is complete.

6. Pessimism – This is the ‘grown-up’ hybrid of doubt, worry, and over-caution all rolled into one.

But pessimism is more dangerous.

Pessimism doesn’t hint at why something might not be possible like doubt does, it doesn’t make you take baby half steps toward your goal like worry does, and it doesn’t make you timidly stride forward, afraid of what’s around the corner. corner. as the excess of caution either.

Pessimism tells you directly that what you want is not possible, that it is not worth pursuing, and that if you do, something is absolutely certain to go wrong.

pessimism tells you “The mountain is too high, the road is too steep, the burden is too heavy, and the reward is too small, why bother?”

But pessimism can be eliminated by its alter ego… optimism.

Optimism is simply the sum total of expectation plus enthusiasm. If you can get excited about something and really go out of your way to expect it to happen, then the pessimism withers and dies and doesn’t bother you anymore.

7. Complain – This is perhaps the most dangerous of all the goal-achieving enemies, as it combines the other six and brings them into the world in a very real way.

When you give voice to your indifference, indecision, doubt, worry, over-caution, and pessimism, you begin to verbally persuade yourself and others how unfair life is, how hard it is to get what you want, how much you you have exerted however, how many times have they let you down and more.

When you do this, you create your own little pity party, drawing to you others who agree and reinforce your belief that you’ll never get what you want out of life and how deluded those ‘positive thinking, value setting weirdos’ are. goals’.

Complaining is dangerous because it manifests negative thoughts into a negative reality. The ‘dark side’ of thoughts become things in the worst case.

Misery loves company. Give him nothing and he will soon look elsewhere.

So there you have it, the 7 Deadly Enemies of Goal Achievement. Let them into your life and you’re guaranteed a fight with every goal you set for yourself both now and in the future. On the other hand, learn to detect them and remove them from your life the moment you detect them and the achievement of your goal is guaranteed.

Now get to work!