Superdelegates of the great party of the socialist government: the democrats of America

How bad is it for Bernie Sanders fans? Well, in this historic election, both sides say that it is very likely to be the most important election of our time, it seems that the Democratic Party claims to want to do the right thing. No, not now, rather, next time. Yes, how convenient indeed. Does it seem right to you after all this email scandal and the censorship of Bernie Sanders supporters? It sure doesn’t seem right to me, and mind you, I’m not a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders voter, but I do recognize a bad deal when I see one and I can see that someone is getting the axis for the political expediency of crushing one. opponent for another. Let me explain.

You see, I’m not talking about the actual voter fraud lawsuits in many states, but the DNC’s own rules on superdelegates, especially those who had previously committed themselves and who had already made up their minds before any of the major debates. Democrats. convenient again – it was basically a democracy scam and a shoe for Hillary Clinton’s political dynasty.

The Post (Online Conservative News) published an interesting article on July 26, 2016 titled; “Democrats vote to abolish superdelegates in the 2020 election cycle,” by Kerry Lear, staff writer, who made me shake my head: They are fixing their injustices next time, not this time. Wow, what does that say about the politics of the “status quo” as is customary in the US? The article read:

“Anti-superdelegate activists will introduce an amendment to abolish the superdelegate system at the full Democratic convention. 58 votes were in favor of abolishing superdelegates, while 108 voted against over the weekend. This reached the threshold. of the 25% needed for the measure to be voted on at the convention. The committee also voted to establish a ‘unity commission’ that would limit the role of convention superdelegates. Two-thirds of them would be strictly designated for state primary elections. ” .

Some say that at least Bernie Sanders got the DNC to change the rules in the future, I mean, it’s not a legitimate consolation prize for the 22 million “Feel the Bern” fans. Personally, I am not on the side of the socialists, not even the European-style socialists, I am not in favor of big government or the status quo, just as I am not in favor of the big political parties that squeeze their agenda and predetermined candidates. down the throats of Americans, but this is just a sign of things to come, and these claims of ‘we will change in the future’ instead of doing the right thing now ‘, well, that doesn’t fit very well with what I consider fairness in the presidential elections. Think about this.