Rectal Thrush – How To Get Rid Of Nasty Anal Thrush

Rectal yeast infection is very similar to vaginal yeast infection. The only difference between the two is the site of infection. Anal yeast infection is commonly the result of unsafe anal sex, severe vaginal yeast infection, and a compromised immune system. The signs and symptoms are the same: irritation, smelly discharge, and itching. The painful sore is aggravated by the passage of stool during bowel movements, so it is very important to treat it immediately to prevent further infection.

Anal candidiasis commonly results from the invasion of the microorganism Candida albicans from the genital area. During a low immune system, the body’s natural resistance to bacterial growth decreases, giving way to infection. To treat this, the following is the recommended treatment for the infection:

  • Use antifungal suppositories and oral medications as well. This will kill the causative microorganism residing in the anal area.
  • Keep your rectal area dry and free of moisture. You can use non-starch talcum powder for this. Antimicrobial powders will also help a lot.
  • Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to facilitate the passage of stool in the rectal area. Refrain from eating too much sweets, as this can cause an overgrowth of bacteria.

Treatment of infection of the rectal area is relatively simple but should be taken seriously. Overgrowth of harmful microorganisms could lead to critical infections and cause tissue necrosis or premature deterioration of the infected skin area. Always pay close attention to the discharge, as this is a follow-up signal when watching the development of the disease. For a safe and permanent solution on how to get rid of anal area infection, click on the links below.