Psychology of girls and their types

After a lot of research, I start that article, but I realize that it is an endless topic that has no end. Because each girl has her own psyche and all girls are different. Even so, I did my best to complete it concisely.

First we start with the things that are common in most girls.

1. Girls are not very deep thinkers, they are observers. A smart guy can make you believe anything with lies.

2. Girls like guys who respect girls’ opinion.

3. The girls talk too much and ignore the person who does not know how to listen or interrupt them in the conversion.

4. They like to hear simple compliments about their clothes, hair, beauty, etc.

5. They like genuine men; They don’t like someone faking their life.

6. A girl gets jealous if her man talks to a random girl.

7. They always ask the same question: “Do I look fat?”

8. Don’t share secrets with girls. They are chat boxes and always tell your secrets to their friends.

9. A girl can judge a guy by his shoes.

10. Ladies have the built-in instinctual and emotional system that beeps and alerts when their man is cheating on them.

11. Girls don’t like guys who react too well to them.

12. They don’t like guys who try to convince them to like them.

13. Girls also don’t like guys who try to buy affection with food and gifts.

There are many more common things in women, but these are some of the main ones.

He can also read the girl’s mind to some extent in the following ways:

1. If a girl moves her hands elegantly in her hair or winds her hair with her finger, then she is looking for someone’s attention.

2. Observe the movement of the girl’s eye lashes. If they move very fast, it probably means that she wants to make love.

3. If the lady is very close and someone, then she is bad, she is comfortable with him.

4. If you crossed the legs of your stocking, you want to make love.

There are many body language tricks, but here are some common tricks for reading women’s minds.

Now I’m talking about some types of girls:

1. Girls who meet in the English literature department or in any library. These types of girls who have taken the time to text you. No “CU L8R” or “LOL” or any nonsense like that. Just pure, unadulterated English. These girls are not only smart but intelligible. That shows you have style, sophistication and class.

2. Some girls laughed at all the jokes. People think she’s hotter, but she’s not. These girls are dumb. The girl who laughs at your genuinely funny jokes is good for building a relationship. These types of girls can be found on the Internet or in any novelty store.

3. It is a famous phrase that “A woman never forgets her first love.” The girls who separate are of two types. One is those who want to get their boyfriend back and again want to get involved with him and the second is those who make new friends and tried to forget the guy.

4. There are some girls who only care about their careers. These girls are so mean. They always stay connected with smart guys. These seem to be happy, but instead they are looking for help.

5. Some girls are strictly religious. These girls like people with a similar religion and are attracted to religious and spiritual conversation.

Most of the girls you found are like this.

Now I tell you what kind of guys girls like the most.

1. Most girls believe in classic romance. A girl has always loved feeling appreciated, and romantic guys make this happen. So most girls like romantic guys.

2. Girls also like confident guys who are totally sure of themselves.

3. Some women like artsy guys who write songs for her, do her painting and write something about her.

4. Some girls like the free-spirited guy (also known as the bad guy). These types of girls are those who do not care that nothing happens in their life. They just want fun in their lives.

I want to say again that this topic is endless. However, I think you get enough information about the girls.


farzan yahya