Misleading supermarket labeling

Finding healthy foods in the supermarket

Go to any grocery store (supermarket) and no matter what food display you look at, you will see cleverly disguised and misleading food labels. Companies like to claim that their food is “healthy” when in fact it is far from it.

You’ll see natural versions of wonderfully healthy foods, and you’ll also see versions of the same foods that are over-processed but CLAIMED to be healthier! The really sad thing about this is that every day millions of people fall for this misleading label and become heavier and less healthy because of it.

Here are some examples of so-called “healthy” foods to keep in mind:

Product #1) “Better than butter?” I wouldn’t be on it!

If you want good quality, look for grass-fed organic butter or at least organic butter. (Adding a little organic butter to steamed vegetables helps the body absorb more of the vitamins and minerals in those delicious vegetables!)

Even low-quality real butter is better for you than any margarine on the market. This product is a pretty horrible margarine that is highly processed and loaded with deadly trans fat!

Product #2) This claims to be healthier than organic peanut butter. (Check the label on organic!)

This fake peanut butter had a long list of processed junk. They replaced all the fats that are GOOD for you (and help make your blood sugar more stable and help keep cravings in check) and added dried cane juice (sugar) and 2 other sugary syrups. Now they could call it a “low fat” product (HA!)

So now you are eating candy and being fooled by its misleading label.

Product #3) Hmmmm… “better than eggs?” NO!

Well, they completely ruined a good thing by taking away the healthiest part: the yolks!

The cholesterol in eggs is NOT bad for you – it raises your good cholesterol more than your bad, therefore improving your overall cholesterol profile.

Almost all of the quality nutrition is in the yolk of an egg. The amino acid in the yolk works with that in the white, and most of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and trace elements are in the yolks, NOT the whites.

So since whole eggs are healthier than egg whites (which this product is) or substitutes, the labels on those products are more misleading labels!

So, there you have it! Don’t let clever marketing, misleading wording, and “shiny stuff” fool you into making poor decisions and destroying your health as you strive to be healthier every day.

Check the food in your cabinets and refrigerator. READ THE LABELS. If you see an ingredient that you don’t know what it is, write it down and look it up online. You will be amazed at what you have been putting into your body that you thought was healthy! (Especially check anything that says “diet”, “low carb”, “low calorie”, “sugar free”, “fat free”… Well, you get my drift!)

Whatever you do, don’t give up. It can be quite difficult trying to eat truly healthy, but it is well worth the effort. If you would like more information related to health, weight loss, etc., check out my favorite link in my author bio box.