Making (New Years) Resolutions Stick – 10 Simple Tips

Are you one of the 40% of people who make resolutions that stick, or the 60% who make them and break them? Is this the year you’ll lose weight, get fit, save money, find true love, write that book, or start a business? Or, will next year find you reviewing this year’s resolutions?

I was inspired to write this blog after hearing Ira Flatow interview Dr. Norcross on NPR. Good news! In their research, they found that people who make New Year’s resolutions are more likely to keep them than those who don’t. We were also reminded that resolutions can be made at any time of the year. It’s more important that you do them when you’re ready to take steps to preserve them.

So let’s talk about the resolution to make real change and keep those resolutions. Every time you keep your commitment to yourself, you say, “I AM WORTHY!”

  1. Declared your resolve – in the law of attraction – speaks, sets your intention. Make it clear and specific: vague is not enough, because you want to see your goals clearly.  YWrite it – if you keep a diary, this is a good way to use it to keep track of your trip.
  2. reality check – Make the goal realistic. Don’t set the bar so high that you can’t jump it. You can’t lose 40 pounds in 40 days.
  3. Break it down-into small goals, small steps, take it one day at a time. And don’t rack up goals/resolutions.
  4. Measure and monitor Your Success: Measurable goals work best, and nonjudgmental observation of your progress is key. Hey, you’ll know when to celebrate.
  5. DISCIPLINE Y ROUTINE– we learn with structure and repetition
  6. enlist a DUDE or join a CLUSTER – Community support is key as inspiration fades and grows. It can be family, friend, co-workers or a coach/group of coaches. Someone who advocates for your success is best. And it’s more fun to celebrate with a crowd.
  7. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF – Confidence is key to success. Forgive yourself if you fall off the wagon, just get back on with renewed determination.
  8. To create AFFIRMATIONS (around your resolution-intention) – Affirm = make more firm. Affirmations can motivate, inspire and celebrate. A great start is to remind yourself, “I am worthy of ______ (fill in the blank)!”
  9. MILESTONE ANNIVERSARIES = CELEBRATE the steps of the journey. Gratitude is key and you don’t have to wait until December 31st to celebrate.
  10. MAKE IT FUN!! – Let’s face it, if it’s not fun, it’s not happening. So even when you don’t feel it, give yourself a little smile! CELEBRATE milestones big and small. Remember to breathe!

Conscious Living Challenge/Activity:

In reference to the successful completion of your resolution, be aware of:

  1. What do you need to stop doing, thinking or feeling?
  2. What do you need to start doing, thinking or feeling?
  3. what do you need to change?

Make it the best year of your life.