Make your bathroom look swanky new on a shoestring budget

When it comes to relaxation, few things can compare to a hot, refreshing shower at the end of a long, tiring day at work. But if you’re like most people, you’d definitely like to give your bathroom a new look, but you just can’t spend the time or maybe the money to do it…

If so, the good news is that you don’t necessarily need to invest a lot of time or money to renovate your bathroom; you can do it with relatively little effort, time, and a shoestring budget. A few changes here, a few changes there, a little imagination and creativity may be what it takes to get the job done. Here are some ideas …

. Has your shower curtain been around for a while? If so, you may want to start by getting a new shower curtain, one in a totally different color that isn’t already appreciably present in your bathroom.

. Get rid of all the old soap dishes, napkins, toothbrush holders, lotion dispensers and the like. Get new ones that look different and possibly have multiple features. New creative designs always seem to be available in the market and you may want to see if any of them appeal to you.

. See what looks old and worn in your bathroom. Replace them with colorful new accessories. That should do you a lot of good when it comes to improving the look and feel of your bathroom.

. See if you can work some colorful contrasts into your bathroom. Hang some colorful and soft napkins. And some pretty pictures, that would put you in a nice frame of mind.

. Clean your bathroom. You may want to do this before starting anything else. Bathrooms that look sterile and clean look good.

. Try changing the air freshener. If you’ve been using the same type of air freshener for a while, you may want to replace it with something else you like.

And here’s a tip that could make your bathroom look much, much different, and more spacious, too.

Add more mirrors, if you can. Adding a few full-length mirrors to your bathroom walls can make it look and feel much more spacious and inviting. This is especially true for smaller bathrooms. But adding mirrors is possibly the easy part: they need to be kept clean at all times and this would take quite a bit of effort.

You could give your bathroom a new, more inviting look with a little creativity. But keeping it that way takes time and effort.