Lip Biting – 5 Tips to Quit the Annoying Habit

In this article, I will discuss 5 ways that can help you stop the icky habit of lip biting. This habit can cause immediate pain, and if it continues, it could be seriously detrimental to health. It’s a habit that needs to be stopped for your health, but also for your outward image that people present as anxious body language.

5 tips to kick the habit of biting your lips

1. Be aware

When you first want to kick a habit, you must first recognize when you are doing it and stop. This can break the subconscious cycle. However, instead of telling yourself to stop biting your lips, keep your mouth open or smile. This is because your mind can’t tell the difference between wanting to do something and not wanting to do something. For example, when you say “don’t bite your lip”, your mind only recognizes “bite your lip”. You need to feed your mind with a completely different thought. Once you stop the mind from thinking about lip biting, the neural pathway will weaken. The subconscious mind gets rid of things that it doesn’t use often.

2. Chew gum

This is a short-term reduction in the habit, but at least it will give your mouth and teeth something to do and chew on to relieve some stress. It’s better for you than biting your mouth. 😉

3. Weaken the neural pathway for the lip biting habit – Thought Field Therapy (TFT) or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

This is a technique similar to Chinese acupuncture. You use your fingers to touch the pressure points on your body. This will weaken the neural pathways in the mind that maintain the relationship between stress and anxiety. Create a picture in your mind of your lip biting, and then touch the pressure points on your body.

4. Weaken the neural pathway for stress and anxiety – Thought Field Therapy (TFT) or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

TFT or EFT can be used to break the relationship between an external situation by creating an automatic stress reaction in the body. If you think about the negative thought and tap on the pressure points, you will reduce the intensity of the emotional reaction.

5. Hypnotherapy or Subliminal Messages

This can break the relationship between feeling stressed or anxious and the habit of biting your cheek. This is because it speaks directly to the subconscious mind and reprograms the mind. It can also be extremely relaxing and stress relieving and will attack the root of the lip biting habit.