Juniper Tree History and Common Facts

The common juniper, also known as (Juniperus communis), is an evergreen conifer that is native to Great Britain, Europe, and much of the Northern Hemisphere.

The tree loves dry conditions and thrives in native pine forests, moorlands, chalk lowlands, and rocky areas as well. It is a species in decline in the UK and is under protection.

Juniper identification

Common juniper is generally used for a low-growing shrub or small tree. It has brownish bark with a grayish color and generally peels with age. The twigs are short and red to brown in color. The leaves are small, green and needle-like and have silver bands on the inside; these are quite sharp with a sudden point on the tip. Once matured, the tree will grow up to 10 m and can live for many years (around 200).

Common juniper trees are dioecious, meaning that male and female flowers are found on different junipers. The small yellow male flowers are spherical in shape and grow near the tips of twigs in the axils of the leaves. Once they are pollinated by the wind, the female flowers, which are greenish in color, turn into purple, highly scented, berry-like cones. They are distributed by birds that eat the pineapples.

Interesting fact: if you crush the leaves, they smell like lemon or apple.

Importance to wildlife

The tree has dense foliage and provides perfect cover for nesting birds such as the wren and wren. The leaves are plant food for the caterpillars of numerous moths, such as the juniper pug and the juniper carpet moth. Small mammals and birds eat the berries of the tree, including dormouses, thrushes, and prairie.

How we use Juniper

Juniper berries have been used to flavor gin. More recently, they have become popular for making sauces and liqueurs. The wood has an aromatic odor and is light and golden in color. Today, the wood is used for carving and turning, along with a source for smoking food. The berries are also used to help fight digestive and respiratory problems through an oil they produce.

Threats, pests and diseases

This particular species is declining in both numbers and distribution in the UK. We do not know the exact cause, but it seems that the trees are unable to regenerate properly; This could be partly because rabbits and deer are ruining the foliage. Juniper is believed to be susceptible to Phytophthora root rot (which causes the root system to die off) and also Phytophthora austrocedrae, a fungus that infects the tree through its roots and causes its decline.