Is Jawline Slimming Permanent?

Jawline Slimming

A jaw slimming botox treatment is a minimally invasive facial enhancement that alters the appearance of the lower half of the face. It has become a popular choice for those looking to create a slimmer, V-shaped face. At RIVKIN Aesthetics, we offer jawline slimming Botox as a simple and effective solution to create balance in the lower portion of the face. We take into account the overall structure of the face, skin elasticity and associated concerns to determine whether this is an appropriate treatment for you.

Many people experience a widening of the lower one-third of their face, often as a result of the development of large masseter muscles (the chewing muscle on both sides of the jaw). This change can lead to a square face shape and in some cases a masculine appearance. This change can also be a result of aging, causing loss of skin elasticity and descent of fat in the face leading to a heaviness of the lower part of the face.

The good news is that this can be easily corrected through Jaw slimming with the use of anti-wrinkle injections or Dermal Filler, and it can be performed in a short time with minimal downtime. The injectables work by weakening the jaw muscles and over time, the muscle atrophy leading to a slimmer jawline and a more balanced face.

Is Jawline Slimming Permanent?

During the procedure, we insert the neurotoxin directly into the masseter muscle via a thin needle. It can take two to five days for the injection to take effect and reduce the size of the jaw muscle. After six weeks, the results will be fully visible. The results of jawline slimming Botox last for three to four months, so it is important to return for regular treatments to maintain the desired shape and appearance.

We offer jawline slimming Botox at our clinic in Melbourne. We have a highly experienced team of registered nurses and doctors who are committed to Dr Jodie’s philosophy and approach to safe and high-quality aesthetic care. We only use reputable products such as Allergan, Dysport and Xeomin and adhere to strict protocols to ensure the highest safety standards for our clients.

Many people ask us if jawline slimming is permanent, the answer is no but the results can be maintained for as long as you are happy with them. The results will start to fade as the jaw muscle relaxes, so it is essential that you return for regular treatments to maintain the appearance of a slimmer jawline and a balanced face. We also offer Dermal Filler injections to add volume to the chin and enhance your chin and marionette lines for a heart-shaped face that is more in harmony with the rest of the face. This combination is a fantastic way to achieve your ideal appearance. If you would like more information on jawline slimming, contact us at RIVKIN Aesthetics today to book a consultation.