How to use OnlyWire for social bookmarking purposes

Social bookmarking is a powerful form of marketing with a tribe of like-minded people. You definitely want to take advantage of the benefits of social bookmarking.

What are social bookmarks? Social bookmarking has become a whole phenomenon for getting traffic from social bookmarking networks as well as getting results on actual search engines. There are many social bookmarking websites which is the main advantage of using Onlywire. By using Onlywire, which is a WordPress plugin tool, you can access all social bookmarking sites in one click.

What is the purpose of social bookmarking? Using social bookmarking is a way for someone to organize their personal bookmarks and share that content with other people. This is powerful because information that search engines find popular and gets traffic will appear in the search engine for terms related to the content. This can generate free traffic to your site.

Here is an example of social bookmarking. If you write an article published on EzineArticles, or however you choose to publish it, someone else can see that content, and if they enjoy it, they can choose to bookmark it on their own social bookmarking service. When someone does that, their content is listed and posted to social bookmarks. Then, as search engines find your article or discover it has been flagged, you get an extra favor when it shows up in search engine results.

As a result, you get additional traffic on top of your normal visibility and the traffic you would get from posting that content. You can see how powerful social bookmarking really is!

It would be a lot of work to go through all the bookmarking sites and individually bookmark a piece of content, which is where Onlywire comes in. This is a powerful tool to leverage your time and effort. This will allow you to achieve mass distribution with minimal effort.

As with any social media marketing, you need to keep the social media mindset in mind and not jump in and spam search engines by sending your personal content and promotional material to anyone who will listen. That is a safe way to close your content and your accounts. Social media efforts should seem natural. To do that, you have to bookmark other people’s content and use bookmarks yourself.

That way you develop a reputation and your recommendation is important. You want to develop a reputation for good recommendations and then and only then will you be able to recommend your stuff as well as other people’s stuff. Then the content will be considered equally valid because it has a strong reputation with its fan base and followers.

It will take some time to go through the individual accounts and set up accounts with each of them. But the benefits far outweigh the time it takes to sign up for the site. It will probably take you one to two hours to review and sign up for each individual bookmarking site through Onlywire.

So here is step by step how to setup Onlywire plugin tool on your blog.

Login to your WordPress back office, go to your plugins, go to add new, type in Onlywire. Click on the install button and then activate the plugin. Once activated, you will be able to see the bookmark and share icon on your blog posts.

Go to, create an account, then you will see a list of all bookmarking websites. You then need to go to each of the social bookmarking sites and sign up. Once you sign up, enter your login information on the Onlywire page and save everything.

You will see all the sites listed in an Onlywire email and show your progress. It will say success, failure or needs finished. Follow the completion steps, click save. Then it will tell you that the completion is complete! If something went wrong, it’s probably a wrong username or password, so you’ll just have to go back and fix it.

From the blog posts, you can click the bookmark and share icon, log in to onlywire, add tags and a description, and then bookmark it. That’s all about it!

This will save you a lot of time and provide you with a great benefit! This is an awesome way to syndicate others’ content for them and help them build their blogs and get massive backlinks. Your syndication tribe will do the same for you.