How to improve sex: 5 easy steps to catastrophic orgasms!

Do you wonder how to improve sex? Do you want to know exactly how to do it with great excitement and fun? Let’s be honest! Some men don’t know how to make love to a woman and end up screwing it up somehow.

Men usually get their knowledge of sex from pornography or from their male friends, which leads them to have a distorted way of looking at what sex is all about.

If you want to improve your sex life, please read the following love making tips as it outlines a proven and foolproof method for having the best sex possible. Let’s take a look at a step-by-step approach to having sex with a woman that will drive her crazy.

Step 1 – Put the woman in ‘The Mood’

Before having sex, you need to set the right frame of mind so that she feels like having sex. This will enhance both her and her pleasure. To put her in the sexy mood and enhance sex, make sure the room is dark, use some beautiful scented candles, and play lovely music.

Feed him an aphrodisiac. Do one or all of these things to create the right atmosphere for great sex together.

Step 2: Use the act of foreplay

The use of foreplay is a very important aspect of learning how to make love to a woman. Being the number one lovemaking tip, foreplay is the best way to turn a simple conversation into a sexual experience. It involves the act of kissing, sensual messages and touching or even intense caresses. What you should do is focus on your own pleasure as the best way to transition from your normal self to your sexual self.

Step 3: Try oral sex

After the foreplay, consider giving him oral sex to make sex a better experience. Start slowly and remember to use both your tongue and fingers. She should try different oral sex techniques since women like different kinds of things. When you find something that seems to turn her on, she keeps doing it.

Step 4 – Tease her sometimes

Once you have brought her closer to climax with your oral sex. Most men will just go straight into intercourse, which is a real mistake. Instead of going straight into sex, start teasing her, going slowly and alternately starting or stopping sex. Do this until she goes crazy and begs you to put your penis inside her.

Step 5 – Start Slowly and Increase Intensity

Now that the two of you are finally having sex, it’s a good idea to change your pace from time to time and change positions to enhance sex with more satisfying feelings of “oneness.” Your focus should be on your mutual pleasure and making sure you both enjoy each other fully.

If you want another lovemaking tip, speed up and then slow down a bit. Keep doing this change of pace until neither of you can handle it anymore.

It’s good to know exactly how to make love to your woman. Using the sex enhancement techniques I’ve outlined above can make you the best performing lover that woman has ever had. Now go out and find a woman to practice these skills on!