How do you want to live the rest of your life?

What is the number one stressor and complaint from people today? What do men and women long for most in their lives today? To those interested in a personal retreat with me I ask these questions -and more- as part of their withdrawal request… and this is what I almost always hear:

“I just want to find myself; reconnect with what really matters; find self love and unconditional forgiveness and love for my family and others; live more authentically and know inner peace.”

Many people I speak to today are at a crossroads in their life or facing a challenging life transition, such as the death of a loved one; difficulty of divorce; career changes; health problems; and becoming overwhelmed with the hectic pace of everyday life that leaves little to no time for self, quiet, time in nature, or simply reconnecting with what really matters.

People talk about feeling stuck: stuck in old patterns but afraid and uncertain about trusting to make a change. I hear from average (often very) successful professionals who feel flat or empty, but don’t know why…just that they long for a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.

I work with people facing great challenges in life and seeking a clear inner direction, as well as those on a path of personal spiritual growth who are committed to self-healing and to exploring, searching, and living an authentic life.

Every time I meet a person who seeks to discover, understand, heal and deepen their life, I marvel at the human spirit and its ability to transform… and to stay stuck. The human condition is a dichotomy that awaits our perceptive advance towards the whole, realized.

We truly live in a time like no other! We have achieved so much through the use of our mental capacities. We as a species have created amazing things: great cities and metro systems; medical diagnostic technology that saves thousands of lives every day; our own personal cell phones with built-in GPS, games, TV, textbooks, Internet access, music from around the world at the touch of a button wherever we sit; genetically altered foods; artificial intelligence (there is a phrase!), virtual reality, cloning and synthetic (well) everything it seems. Whats Next? Amazing. Faster faster faster. More more more.

Yet we see and hear and are experiencing increasing threats and dangers to our survival: job losses, failing economies, record divorce rates, growing health problems like the diabetes epidemic in our youth, a political machine that is it has mired so much in dysfunction so pathetically childish, if not completely devastating to any positive future.

To do? How to be in this life with its myriad of social, personal and global stressors and demands that weigh on daily life?

What to do with an innate longing of the human spirit for love, for meaningful purpose, for creative fulfillment and the expression of one’s true nature? How to integrate the spiritual self with the practical mundane realities of the world? This is the challenge that people who contact me for a self-healing spiritual guide are looking for: How to live true to oneself in this world so that one’s life is not wasted and well lived?

If you reread this last paragraph and use these annoying real life poignant questions to go into your own spiritual inquiry, and stick with it as a living quest, willpower Find the path of self-healing and life transformation!

Once you allow yourself and the vulnerably bold courage to face this conundrum of life instead of cowering under an endless series of distractions and procrastinating with an even more endless series of “good excuses,” you’ll be on your way to an incredible self-discovery: the art of living your destiny.

Each of us has to navigate the path of mundane human demands and responsibilities along with an innate and built-in longing of the heart that calls each of us to seek and discover our true nature and our true creative expression as a spiritual being that has a human. experience in this world. It’s just a matter of how we navigate this conundrum: consciously or unconsciously it suffers more. Consciously demand surrender and release into the unknown where awakening naturally arises. You unconsciously keep the illusion of the status quo in place and never experience your authentic self. Consciously go through the gate of unknowing to discover the eternal truth of one’s ever-loving and soulful creative destiny. Which is easier?… Which is truer?… Which is the path where you can know yourself?…

When you decide to use the struggles and challenges in your life as a journey to peel off what is false and no longer serving in your life, then you can begin to open the door to the wonderful gift that has been lurking behind these things in life. daily. Struggles: The gift of your unique genius and what only you are here to inspire and express in this lifetime.

As an author and spiritual teacher, I am blessed to help show people how to break through the trappings of the mind and fear by introducing them to the SoulArts process to engage the true genius in your life. When you know how to turn the real circumstances of your daily life into a spiritual quest, it will lead you to your true authentic self. When you know how to follow this path of inner listening, you automatically discover self-love, healing insight, inner wisdom, clarity, and purpose. It is a natural consequence of entering and living in the search.