Home remedy for eczema with ice therapy

An excellent home remedy for eczema is the use of ice therapy. Ice has many beneficial cooling effects on eczema-prone skin. Eczema can be caused by allergens that inflame the skin. Applying ice to inflammation is like using water to put out the flames of a fire.

Eczema is a disorder that causes the appearance of rashes on the skin. These rashes develop mainly on the hands, back, and extremities. They can really cause you a great deal of discomfort as they can cause extreme itchiness. However, the more you scratch, the worse the condition becomes. It can also cause your skin to bleed and introduce bacterial infections through your open wounds.

Ice therapy for eczema numbs sore skin and causes it to relax and relieve pain. The coldness of the ice causes your veins to constrict, cutting off circulation. Once the ice is removed, your veins will begin to dilate. The blood is quickly injected into the area you are treating. The blood carries the necessary nutrients to allow damaged skin tissues to heal.

All you have to do is put a few ice cubes in an ice pack or a small plastic bag wrapped in a towel. Place it directly on the itchy area and move the ice under the towel in a circular motion. Try to feel how the cold sensation slowly eliminates the itch. The itching may intensify rather than decrease when you first apply the ice. Bear it for a moment. Very soon, the itching will be relieved. If you have multiple eczema flare-ups, you can work on each affected area for a few minutes.

Ice therapy for eczema is a home remedy that is effective and yet very inexpensive. However, before you begin freezing ice for use in this therapy, please note the following precautions:

1. You should not apply ice directly to inflamed skin. Always use a towel to wrap ice. Also, keep the ice moving on your skin.

2. Commercial cold packs should be used on the skin with great care, as they are usually much colder than ice made in the freezer.

3. Do not use ice therapy for more than 15 minutes on any affected part. You don’t want to hurt your nerves here.

4. Lastly, you should not use ice therapy if you also have rheumatoid arthritis, cold allergic conditions, paralysis, or if you have blood circulation problems.