Ergonomics and science behind a productive computer table!

Where you work has a big impact on your work style, your ability to focus on a task, and your overall ability to be creative and productive. Which means that the interior of your workplace, whether it be at home or in a business environment, is undoubtedly of the utmost importance. It is not just about psychology, but about producing better results and doing things in a better way. In fact, it has been shown that a well designed and properly set up office and computer desks can add up to an additional 20% to an individual’s productivity. But still many people have an ignorant attitude towards these facts and regard them as the minor things.

The most important part of our workplace is the table or computer desk where we sit for a long period and perform our tasks. The points mentioned below will enable you to create a healthy and happy working environment.

  1. Right mouse and keyboard position: If you maintain a natural posture, your keyboard and mouse should be positioned so that your elbows remain at your sides and your elbow is below a 90 degree angle to reduce muscle load and prevent a sprain. The keyboard should always be positioned above the thighs by at least an inch or two. You may prefer a removable tray and adjust it accordingly. Both the mouse and the keyboard should be at shoulder distance.
  2. Correct posture during the operation: The first thing before talking about the perfect and correct posture, it is necessary that you analyze your natural posture. Because after you figure out what your favorable stance is, only then can you work on improvising it. Now, the correct posture while working on your computer is that your head should be parallel to your computer screen, your back should be straight, and the distance between you and your screen should be at least two feet.
  3. light up the area: Make sure the area where you place your computer has natural light so that artificial light from the computer does not impair your vision. Scientifically, the light on your desk should preferably come from the left side to make your work more efficient. And if you sit down to work at night, the light in the room should be more than the light coming from your computer.
  4. ideal storage space: The Ideal computer table is the one that provides you with enough space in the form of shelves and drawers to store your essentials. If you have a printer, then the table should be spacious enough to provide you with an area to store it. If you’re in the habit of making a to-do list, you might want to find a computer table where you can put up a small bulletin board so you can pin your list.
  5. Set Zones: After getting a computer table, set up zones for permanent placement of your essentials. Like where exactly you will put your computer, keyboard and mouse. Then the place where you will put the pencil holder and the glass of water. You need to make sure the glass of water is positioned to your right side and the printer to your left for easy access. You should set zones like repetitive reach and occasional reach. In the repetitive reach zone, you can place items that are used frequently, while in the occasional reach zone, you should place essential items that you need from time to time. This will allow you to organize that place in a great way while allowing you to work efficiently.

And in these fast-paced and hectic schedules of life, no one has enough time to go places in search of the table that best fits their required computer table list. So for that, you can take five to ten minutes of your time and browse through the availability of computer tables online. There you can get endless varieties and designs to choose from and get the ideal offer.