Cosmetic surgery to lift, reduce or augment the breasts to correct flaccidity?

How do you know if you need a breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation to correct sagging and make your breasts look more youthful? Breast lift surgery questions and answers continue to be popular search parameters on my website. It is also a primary concern for patient consultations in my practice. Breast surgery is consistently in the Top 5 procedures for women seeking cosmetic surgery according to the American Society for Cosmetic Surgery.

Sagging or sagging breasts are frequent concerns for women seeking consultations with plastic surgeons. There are specific procedures that are more effective in addressing these physical findings. Let’s start with the “pencil test” because it’s a simple and obvious way to see if breast lift surgery might be helpful in correcting this condition. The pencil test helps identify true flab. Place a pencil under your breast where it meets your chest and if your nipple hangs below the pencil when you sit or stand, then you might consider a breast lift.

True sagging or drooping of a woman’s nipples can occur after pregnancy or as a result of any drastic weight gain or loss. True sagging refers to the location of the nipple position below the crease below her breast. I do not recommend breast lift surgery if the nipples are above the crease or at the level of the crease. Breast enlargement is usually enough to correct the sagging breast shape in most cases, where the nipples are above the crease. However, breast lift surgery is specifically designed to reposition the nipple and areola (pigmented skin around the nipple) upward to a more natural position. The natural position is approximately one-half to three-quarters of an inch above the crease. Placing the nipples higher than this can result in an odd looking breast. The size of the areola can also be reduced during the procedure if the patient wishes.

Breast augmentation or breast reduction may be considered to change the size, shape, and contour of the breasts, when a breast lift would not be indicated to achieve the desired enhancement. As with all breast surgeries, size is a personal choice and all options should be discussed during your consultation with your surgeon. Breast surgery is often part of combination procedures commonly known as Mommy Makeovers, along with tummy tuck gold tummy tuck Mommy Makeovers are designed to address unwanted physical changes that can persist after pregnancy.