Bodyweight Training: The Bear Crawl Effect, An Athlete’s Best Friend

Bear Crawls is a bodyweight exercise that doesn’t get a lot of attention and has been around for many, many years. I was first exposed to them in high school football. But I remember doing them as a kid and racing with my brother. Young children do these exercises and we don’t even take a second look.

Plain and simple, this bodyweight exercise will build a robust body, they are a forgotten secret that will generate a primitive type of strength throughout the entire body.

Bear Crawls will humble the so-called fit person, going far beyond what most other exercises can do and are a full body ripper.

Anyone who has done this exercise can tell you that in a very short time, in as little as 20 seconds, this bodyweight exercise will have you on your ass, wondering how such a simple basic exercise will make you sweat and gasp in the blink of an eye. eyes. .

This type of bodyweight exercise will condition your body in so many ways that it is a perfect exercise for whatever sport you are training for. Think about how the exercise is done, you are on all fours and you move using every muscle in your arms, shoulders, traps, neck, core, thighs, hamstrings, calves, wrists, hands, feet not to mention the anaerobic benefits.

The Bear Crawl is a fighter’s best friend, wrestlers, wrestlers, MMA martial artists, they work the body the way every athlete needs.

Bear Crawls is not an aerobic exercise, you can’t go and Bear Crawl for miles is an exercise for performance and building a strong body type in a short amount of time.

Do you want to try the Bear Crawl? All you need is a little space to move, you can do it indoors, outdoors wherever you want. If you’re doing it indoors and space is limited, take two or three steps forward, move left and back, right and back, and do this for a minute or two and feel the muscle-building effect on your body.

Outside, your backyard a soccer field, a hill. Try some Bear Crawl sprints. Walk 5 yards Bear Crawl 5 yards – jog back, come back down and repeat for as long as possible.

Here’s a good workout that will work on strength and coordination. Take a soccer ball and in a Bear Crawl position, start moving the ball with your hands and just like in soccer, try to get the ball down the field using only your hands.

The act of reaching for one arm and hitting the ball puts a lot of stress on the other arm and its core needs to be stabilized, which will generate a lot of core force.

This is an exercise that will build real fitness in a short period of time.

Toughness Creates Winners