Attracting a child to adopt

Dear foster parent,

Your son is on his way to you right now; the perfect child for your family and circumstance.

Do you believe that? You need! As I was reviewing my list of potential parents today and contemplating what I could do to help you, I realized that, together, we must believe that the right child is coming to you.

Without sounding preachy, (so No my intention here!) there are certain fundamental laws in the universe:

  1. You will always get more than you put your focus on (some call it the law of attraction).
  2. There is plenty of whatever you are attempting (the law of abundance).

Have you ever woken up in the morning, stubbed your toe, and then thought, “It’s going to be one of those days” and it is? Ever wish your phone calls at work were slower and worse? Have you ever worried that you might be the next to get sick and you are? Have you ever had one more repair bill after you were sure he can’t afford one more this month? Are you sure you’re going to run all the red lights on your way to a late date and do it?

This happens because the one in charge of all this believes that you deserve everything you want and more of that! The problem with humanity is that we are too busy concentrating on the things that I do not want and confusing things out there.

If you read the Bible it says that, “…as a man thinks in his heart, so is…” Buddha said: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” Norman Vincent Peale wrote The power of positive thinking and today we have The secret Y abraham’s law of attraction. Everyone seems to know the basic principle but not how to apply it to their own life!

Speaking of adoption, it’s just this; even though you think you’re saying “I want a child”, what you’re really saying is “I don’t have a child”, and since you get more than you concentrate on… well… .

The law of attraction says that “That which is similar to itself is attracted.” Once you activate a vibration within you, the law of attraction begins to respond to that vibration, and you’re on your way, whether it’s wanted or unwanted. The attraction is not discriminatory! The book, The Law of Attraction He puts it this way: “When you are told, ‘Ask, and it will be given to you,’ there is no more powerful statement that underlies what makes things happen” (Abraham – The Law of Attraction, 2009).

The trick is to focus on what you have! You have a kid! Somewhere is your child, waiting to be adopted by you!!!

Another way to understand this is to think of it this way: “If you are continually focused and thinking about the lack of money and material resources, the Law of Abundance is at work giving you an Abundance of Lack of money.” and resources. If you are continually thinking about sickness and disease, the Law of Abundance is at work giving you exactly what it is focusing to give you. All of these examples, regardless of how you may perceive the results experienced, are the Law of Abundance in action.“(Law of Abundance, 2005).

If it sounds too simple, it is; and maddening to behold when you are expecting! But ask anyone who found the perfect person to love when they met that person and they will usually tell you that it was when they least expected it, when they stopped looking, or when they finally gave up on finding someone. It happened when they stopped concentrating on their lack of a relationship! Ask any mother who finally gave up conceiving and adopted a child, only to find out she was finally pregnant, why that happened and she’ll tell you it was probably because she stopped caring about it. It happened when she concentrated on what could to have!

So stop worrying. Relax (hard as it is) and trust! Everything happens for a reason, someone else knows what to do, everything is under control, and you are very loved and thoughtful. Your son is on the way!

To be honest,

Your adoption counselor