WoW Gold Guide to Farming for More Gold in Northrend

With the release of Wrath of the Lich King, making gold in World of Warcraft has become more important than ever. The cost of anything and everything in Northrend is more expensive. The new mounts released for the region cost a whopping 15,000 gold. That is a strong corner. If you want to avoid the constant need for more gold, here are some tips you should follow to make gold in Northrend.

First of all, skinning can be an excellent source of income. Leather and fur always have a market. The Borean Tundra is an excellent place to skin. There are plenty of hunters who don’t bother to skin their prey, so you can wander around cleaning their carcasses on top of your own prey. Add in any item drops or other gathering profession nodes you can find and you can start racking up gold pretty quickly.

Another proven method to make gold is to smash mobs, slaughter as many mobs as you can as fast as you can. This works especially well with humanoid mobs that will drop gold and items that you can sell later. A good place to do this in Northrend is Dragonsblight, just south of Venomspire.

If you’ve managed to reach level 80 and still can’t afford the toys you want, you can always try the daily quests. Once you have reached the level cap, daily quests provide additional gold as a reward, since there is no longer an experience reward. It is possible to earn 100 gold per hour simply by doing daily quests in the Howling Fjord region of Northrend.

There are always the tried and true gold farming tactics that apply as well, like the auction house or collecting professions. Dalaran is where most of the trade in Northrend occurs, and you must search there to access the area. Also, remember that off-peak gold farming produces better results as there will be less competition with other players for mobs and nodes.