Wiccan Traditions

In its modern form, there are many Wiccan traditions just as there are denominations in Christian churches. Many Wiccans find solace in following a set path, while others draw on elements from many traditions in solitary practice. Here are some brief descriptions of some of the main variations of the Art.


Gerald Gardner was a British civilian with an interest in folklore, magic, and the occult. He claimed that his beliefs and practices were learned from the New Forest Coven into which he was initiated in 1939. At the time, the Witchcraft Act 1735 was still in force, making the group illegal, making their activities secret. and the membership was small. .

In 1951, the witchcraft laws were repealed, paving the way for Gardner to publish his first book, Witchcraft Today in 1954. Gardnerian Wicca is considered to be the first of the modern traditions to be codified and from which all others are in some down, especially in the UK, Europe and Commonwealth countries. Gardnerian Wicca is sometimes referred to as British Traditional Wicca.

The tradition follows a system of degrees to master the Art. New members must be initiated by a coven, therefore all Gardnerian groups can trace their lineage back to Gardner’s original New Forest Coven. Much of the work is “under oath” and remains strictly within the confines of the coven, where members work Skyclad (without clothes).

Traditionally, Gardnerian covens have 13 members and are jointly led by a High Priestess and a High Priest. Members are prohibited from sharing the names and personal information of other members, or confirming that they are actually members.

This tradition teaches the central ethical guideline of the Wiccan Rede and while there are organized rituals, there is no dogma. Each member must discover for himself the meaning of his ritual experiences as an aspect of his individual path.


Alex Sanders, popularly known as the “King of the Witches,” founded this tradition in the 1960s with his wife, Maxine Sanders. It is, in most respects, identical to Gardnerian Wicca, but there is a greater emphasis on ceremonial magic and more eclecticism is allowed. The attitude, as Maxine Sanders describes it, is: “If it works, use it.”

Working Skyclad is optional, but the rite of passage and titles (typically three) are followed. In some Alexandrian covens, a preliminary fourth grade or rank called “dedicant” or “neophyte” is used.

In truth, the distinction between Alexandrian and Gardernian covens is blurred at best and many priestesses train their students in both traditions. In fact, there is a deliberate fusion of the two called the Algard Tradition.


Mary Nesnick, who was initiated into both the Gardnerian and Alexandrian traditions, merged the two into Algard Wicca in 1972. It is widely regarded as redundant, as in practice this version is largely Gardnerian.

There are very few Algard covens in the United States or Great Britain and even covens that operate in a thriving mix of the two traditions do not self-identify as Algard.

This fusion is seen most clearly in the work of Janet and Steward Farrer, whose books Eight Sabbats for Witches and A Witches’ Bible: The Complete Witches’ Handbook are of particular interest.


Although very similar to the Gardernian tradition, Georgian Wicca was founded in the United States by George Patterson in Bakersfield, California in 1970. He claimed to have been influenced by Celtic traditions stemming from his work with a coven in Boston after World War II. .

It is a somewhat more flexible tradition in which members can write their own rituals. As in the Alexandrian tradition, working Skyclad is optional. Initiation is required and members are still bound by oath.

Seax Wica

Raymond Buckland, a High Priest in the Gardnerian tradition, founded Seax-Wica after moving to the United States in 1973. This variation draws more from Saxon traditions and allows for valid initiation by a coven or through self-study.

Buckland was the author of numerous books on witchcraft, including Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, published in 1985.


Also spelled Fairy, Faery, and Faerie, the Feri tradition was brought to the United States in the 1960s and is generally associated with small working groups and loners. One of the most notable initiates of this tradition is the author and activist Starhaw, best known for her work The Spiral Dance.


Known as the Wiccan feminist movement, the Dianic tradition emphasizes reverence for the Goddess in all three aspects. Many of Dianica’s covens are for women only.

The tradition was founded by Zsuzsanna Budapest in the 1970s and is an egalitarian and matriarchal tradition that combines elements of the Gardnerian tradition with folk magic and feminist principles.


Other traditions you may encounter include:

  • Celtic Wicca, which emphasizes the magical and healing abilities of elemental spirits, gnomes, fairies, plants, and minerals.

  • Asatru (Way of the North) based on the Norse pantheon and involving Old Norse clothing for ritual work.

  • Pictish, which is a solitary tradition of Scottish nature.

  • Strega, which is based on traditions dating back to the Italian teachings of the 14th century.

While not a complete list, these descriptions should certainly give you an idea of ​​the variety inherent in the world of Wicca.