Why do twin flames fight?

Everyone has a Twin Flame, because they are your anima / animus and potentially your perfect match. This relationship needs special consideration and is very intense, especially in the initial stages. The great psychologist Carl Jung discovered that each person has an image of their perfect match within their own psyche. The Twin Flame phenomenon suggests that the anima and animus are more than just a psychic image: your other half can be born in the flesh, at the same time as you. A Twin Flame relationship is different from a soulmate partnership, although both can be fulfilling in many ways. You can tell if you have met your true Soul Mate because their lives will parallel like identical twins, with astonishing synchronicities.

So the question remains, if one’s Twin Flame is our perfect other half, then why is there so much trouble relating to our Twin? Why is there so much confusion and frequent breakups? Before you can understand the reason for these frustrations, it is essential to understand that your Twin Soul is providing a spiritual mirror to your own repressed personality. A Twin Flame relationship is about finding your dark side. They reveal to you what you need to develop in yourself. This is not a pleasant understanding. Any problems you perceive in the relationship do not reside with your Twin – but in you – and they are simply the impetus for your own spiritual growth. Meeting your other half is a unique opportunity to experience “true love” for which few of us are prepared. True love is the opportunity to love another without expectations of that other person. The purpose of the Twin Flame union is to manifest unconditional love. The conclusion that he eventually reaches upon meeting his Twin – is that it is not possible to love another human being unconditionally – without first learning to love yourself. If you live your life primarily from ego, fear, or the need to control others due to a sense of inadequacy, you will have great trouble reuniting with your Twin.

Your dark side has qualities that you consider unacceptable and have suppressed from consciousness. We rediscover these aspects of ourselves by projecting onto another person. This is true for any relationship. When we react with a strong emotion to someone’s behavior, it is likely that we have come across our own dark side. This projection helps us to recognize that very quality that we have repressed in ourselves. Reacting to your Twin in anger or fear only complicates the relationship. It is much easier to blame someone else than to look at yourself. We tend to idealize our partner and we want him to adapt to our desires and fulfill our fantasies. We don’t always see them as a separate human being. Meeting your Twin Flame will pressure you to look deep into your own soul and is an opportunity for greater self-awareness.

Consulting with standard therapists has been frustrating in my experience. The soulmate phenomenon is beyond the understanding of most modern psychologists. It is a unique relationship that is largely unrecognized. Many question the authenticity of such an experience. Carl Jung was the closest to correctly identifying and recognizing the psychic energies at play and how they manifest. If you need personal guidance, your best help is another confirmed Twin Flame who has gone through the difficult process of transformation and emerged with a much greater sense of self-awareness and understanding.

When the twins meet, the polarity aspects operate like a powerful magnet and are irresistibly attracted to each other, but can feel equally repelled. The relationship can be obsessive, both emotionally and physically. It is common to think of this person all the time and due to the psychic connection, they may have similar experiences within a similar time frame. The lives of Twin Flames are very close to those of identical twins. Even if you are separated out of anger, you will eventually regret it and want to reunite in harmony at a future date. If you give up on your twin, it’s like giving up on yourself.

If one of the soulmates is married, the complications are even greater, since all relationships must be honored and feelings must be kept in the open. It is important that behavior is transparent and of the highest integrity to all involved. If a Twin Flame acts abusively, they will suffer a lot at their own hands. Establishing trust is essential and this takes time. When you attack your Twin, remember that, in essence, you are also attacking an aspect of yourself. This special dynamic can tear you apart over and over again with emotional intensity and frustration. Once they calm down and review what happened, they should try to solve the problem on their own terms, hence the need for separate self-development. This is why breakups are so common. It’s also not unusual for one of the Twins to have a near-death experience after meeting his other half. For the relationship to be successful, there is a great need for self-love, self-acceptance, and patience.

Without experienced guidance, this pattern of starting and stopping again can repeat itself endlessly. The powerful attraction brings them back together again and again, hopefully with more realistic expectations of each other. It is yet another opportunity for you to resolve your differences and grow spiritually. If they seek divine protection and learn to surrender, the relationship may progress more quickly, but few people do. The Twin Flames have been born in this generation to help raise the vibration of love on the planet. Full acceptance and forgiveness of any harm is essential to moving forward.

Always keep communication channels open. I recommend reading Eckhart Tolle’s The power of Now and look at his description of the “pain body.” This will help you learn to control your own emotions. Powerful pain bodies are a common problem with Twin Flames, as with all relationships. Don’t let your identification with the sad story of your life destroy your ability to create a new one. Your Twin Soul is here to inspire you to succeed at all levels. Once you learn to fully accept each other and love each other unconditionally, replacing guilt and anger, it can come to a eureka moment. No matter how difficult it may be at first, it is a profound blessing to have met your Twin, even if the relationship is only partially successful. There are no guarantees of long-term commitment, but it is an opportunity to experience true love. Remember that the Twin Flame experience gives you the opportunity to learn to love yourself completely – and then loving others is easier.

If you think you have met your Soul Mate, I offer you full Twin Flame counseling over the phone with individual guidance. I am a genuine Twin Flame, experienced and intuitive spiritual astrologer and I have a technique that can confirm if you have really met your other half. I am looking for more partners to advise and validate this important life experience. Spread the love!