What can dads do to help moms after the baby is born?

The pregnant woman carries her baby for 40 weeks, growing and forming a healthy baby. Her body goes through a tremendous metamorphosis, with many discomforts. But in the end, she has to go through 18 to 24 hours of excruciating pain and extreme physical exertion to get the prize… the baby. This is really the prize, because most new mothers will want to go through it all again right away, to know that they can have their baby whom they loved at first sight like no other love. So, it really is a phenomenon that a human receives so much benefit and reward that they can endure the final event of 40 weeks plus labor and delivery again!

So what? After the baby arrives, it doesn’t stop here. This is where resistance comes into play. Breastfeeding every 2 hours 24/7, exhaustion, hormonal changes, diaper changes, cleaning, cooking and everything in between. After spending time nursing, her baby will go to sleep, and she will sit there and watch the baby sleep, only to miss her own sleep time, and then she will have to get up, shower, and go to the bathroom. only for the baby to want to eat again or have his diaper changed!!!

Moms will eventually get used to it, but with your own body going through so many changes and the fatigue of labor itself it can last a couple of weeks, unless you’ve had good prenatal and postpartum care of course.

So how can dads help moms? Hopefully, dads can take at least 1-2 weeks for mom to recover and master the art of breastfeeding. During this time, parents can make sure all the shopping is done and the house is stocked. Hire a cleaning lady to come in at least 2 times a week, the first week to get things in shape. Dads can take care of the animals, and when mom breastfeeds, they pick up the baby and burp it. Mom should not walk and carry the baby at the same time for at least 1-2 weeks, as the pelvis is very unstable due to birth and position change.

Help hold the baby during showers, feedings, and personal care for the mother. In other words, just be there at her beck and call to help her. Get her a glass of water or electrolyte drink just as you start to nurse the baby. Moms are so thirsty when they are breastfeeding.

Dads, don’t let mom cook for the first 2 weeks. She hires a cook, gets a relative, a grandmother, someone to cook for mom and dad. Soups are good as they are instant nutrition and very cleansing. Make sure mom has her supplies and prepare them all for her. These 2 weeks are for bonding with both mom and dad, and with the baby as a family and with each other.

Dads can jump right into the mix and try to become more understanding. The men are notorious hunters and the women nurses. But after the baby is born, she’s just there to help in any way she can. He will help mom heal, the baby will do better, and the dads will be able to bond with the baby and as a family.

Sometimes dads don’t know what to do with themselves and feel left out. Dads must participate and respond to the wishes of their wives by being their legs, their arms and their energy.