Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne

If you haven’t heard of this program yet, Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training is one of the leading do-it-yourself fat loss programs in North America. Countless people have successfully tried this program and seen results they never dreamed of, but is this program right for you?

As we dissect the name, Turbulence Training, it becomes obvious that most importantly, there is exercise involved. Which means that if you are not interested in any exercise, this program is not for you. However, if you think you could lose fat and tone your body at the same time, turbulence training is worth considering.

The highlight of Turbulence Training is that it is perfect for a busy lifestyle. Because? Because Craig Ballantyne created turbulence training workouts to be done 45 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Although the workouts are quite intense, the reported results have been and continue to be amazing. Each workout basically consists of a 5 minute warm up, followed by 12-20 minutes of strength training and then another 12-20 minutes of intensive cardio.

Among countless other features, another reason turbulence training is so popular is that it can be adapted to be done at home, with little fitness equipment. Many people are intimidated by big weight rooms, with even bigger bodybuilders inside them. This program is perfect for anyone from a stay-at-home mom to someone looking to boost their self-confidence before hitting the bigger gyms.

The only problem with this program is that it doesn’t focus on just one muscle group. It works your entire body, allowing you to burn fat evenly throughout your body.

If you want to know all the benefits of turbulence training, read the full turbulence training review below.