training your new pug

When it comes to training a pug, it all depends on you, the owner, and your training skills. Pugs are known to be stubborn and therefore need constant and concise teaching. The amount of time you spend and the quality of your efforts will directly affect your pug’s behavior. A pug can be a wild, out-of-control beast or a calm, polite pet. This article will highlight the main areas of pug training and how to approach each situation.

To raise a well-behaved pug, it’s crucial to start training it right away. Although pugs tend to be stubborn, they are also intelligent. If a pug puppy acts in an unacceptable way early on, those bad habits will stick and it will be nearly impossible to reverse their behavior later on. Letting your pug get away with unacceptable behavior as a puppy will cause more difficulty in training as an adult because backing off will end up confusing the dog. It is much easier to teach Pugs the correct manners when they are babies. Owners must establish what is right and what is wrong from day one.

It is recommended to teach your pug simple commands first and then transition to more advanced training. It has been said that dogs only understand the first word of a command. Long commands are not as efficient and should not be used. It is important to be brief and clear when training your pug. For example, instead of saying “come down from there,” keep it simple with a one-syllable word “down.” This will make learning much easier for your pug and will speed up the training process. Once your pug has understood the basics, it’s safe to try more innovative rules.

Make sure to establish a clear role of dominance when you start training your pug. A pug needs to know that you are in charge at all times. It is easy for pugs to determine who is the alpha and who is not in a very short time. Pugs that feel in control will only listen to your commands when they deem it necessary. Like any teacher-student relationship, the teacher must be respected to be effective. Use your energy and body language to represent your authority. Maintain a relaxed and calm approach when training your puppy. A pug will not respond well to someone who is acting very nervous and out of control. It is very important to maintain patience with a good attitude at all times during training.

When training a pug, it’s important to be consistent with the rules you’ve set. If you decide that it is unacceptable for your puppy to sit on the sofa, he should always keep your puppy off the sofa. Don’t let your pug occasionally get away with breaking the rules. If you keep changing the rules, you will confuse your pug and could cause him to ignore all your commands. Acceptable actions should always be positively reinforced and unacceptable actions should always be discouraged.

Positive reinforcement should be given vocally due to the fact that pugs are sensitive to their owner’s voice. Food reinforcements should be few and far between because they tend to get overweight easily. Training sessions should also be short and fun. If you are trying to train your pug for too long, he will easily become disinterested and lose focus. A pug won’t learn to behave well overnight, so it’s a good idea to have a couple of short training sessions a day.

Be sure to exercise your pug throughout your training. Training an exercised pug will be easier than training a lazy pug. Let them burn off some energy before they have to focus and listen. Even we as humans find that concentrating is much easier with a clear mind. However, the exercise should be stopped after training. Exercising your pug is beneficial for training and keeping it healthy.

Some dogs are bred to hunt, while pugs are meant to serve as trusted companions. Pugs were originally bred as lapdogs and need a constant sense of affection. You will build a better relationship with your pug if they know they are loved on a consistent basis. If a pug is afraid, it will be more difficult for him to learn and concentrate. He tries to form a special bond with his puppy to create an environment of trust.

Pugs have a bad habit of chewing on everything in sight and will start the moment they put their paws on something. Don’t let your pug puppy playfully nip at your fingers, as this is the initial stage of his chewing tendencies. Although they mean no harm, letting your pug bite your fingers will set a bad example from the start. Verbally discipline the pug when caught in the act of destroying something and replace the chewed object with a bone or toy. Praise them for chewing on the appropriate items until they understand what is allowed and what is not. Pugs like to think that everything around them is a toy.

A pug owner should never physically punish their dog in any way. Physically punishing your pug will instill fear in him and will be counterproductive to the training process. A pug needs to know that he can trust his owner to follow his commands. If a pug doesn’t trust its owner, training will be virtually impossible.

The last important aspect of training is socialization. As a pug owner, you will find that your pup is constantly following you around. Pugs are known to be little shadows and become very protective of their owners. You don’t want your pug to become so protective that he feels threatened by every other dog in your neighborhood. Pugs need to learn what it’s like to be around other dogs as early as possible. However, make sure you have given your dog the necessary vaccinations before he is exposed to other dogs. When your puppy becomes familiar with the presence of other animals, it will be easier to raise an obedient and controlled dog. Dogs that are sheltered for too long will not understand how to properly interact with other dogs.

Following these guidelines will definitely help a new pug owner raise an intelligent and well-behaved new addition to the family.