Three tips to get rid of bunions

If you have them, you probably know you have them. Captivity. They’re sometimes painful, usually pretty obvious to most people looking at your feet, and not much fun. And, unfortunately, they are quite common in most people, both men and women.

While it can be nearly impossible to figure out why you have bunions because the reasons they form are varied, there are ways to help reduce both your pain level and the unsightly bump that sits on the side of your foot next to your big toe.

Here are three quick ways to help with your bunions:

  1. Section. Take your shoes off several times a day (this is key as the toe box of most shoes is too narrow for most feet). Even better, take off your socks too. Now stretch your toes apart from each other. Sometimes it helps to stretch your hands at the same time (it’s a mental thing). Stretch and hold as long as you can. Stop, walk around for a bit, and then do it again.
  2. Massage. With one hand, gently (very gently) pull the big toe to the side and with the other hand massage the top of the foot between that toe and the next, focusing on the space in the foot from the bottom of the toes to about half of your foot Use a smooth, long stroke. Sometimes it helps to use a little coconut or olive oil to help get a good massage without pulling on the skin.
  3. Take your hands with your feet. After a shower or bath, sit cross-legged on the floor and interlock your fingers between the toes of each foot as if you are holding your hands with your foot. Do this as often as possible. If you start to feel uncomfortable, release the hold, walk around for a bit, and then do it again. Increase the time each time you do this and it will soon stop being awkward.

And, as a bonus tip, take some time to assess your shoe closet. Look how many of your shoes have narrow toes. This causes the big toe to remain pushed in towards the other toes…eventually helping to form a bunion. That’s not good. Consider buying a different style of shoes the next time you go shoe shopping.

There are plenty of other things you can do to help if you have bunions, but these three tips should be a great start to relieving bunions.