The history of new home sewing machines

A New Home sewing machine that you can find on the market these days could have been manufactured a long time ago and can be considered as a collector’s item or mechanical sewing equipment as one of the modern models.

In any case, rest assured, New Home sewing machines still work wonders for any sewer.

The start of the New Home company began around 1860 when major sewing machine manufacturers began fighting each other for market leadership and patents.

It was then that Thomas White came up with what might be the first New Home sewing machine, which he called the New England. Soon his business expanded, despite the many casualties he faced then, and has survived to this day.

Over the years there are already several New Home models that have been launched and sold to the public.

Here is the model no. 914, which was one of the first New Home sewing machines to be made. It still had a pedal, a crank and a wheel. You needed to step on the foot pedal and turn the crank to get the machine going and start creating some stitches.

The body, although made of a solid metal frame, was elegantly finished. It also came with a cabinet, where you could store the no. 914 once you have finished using it. There was a drawer where you can place a number of much-needed accessories such as threads, bobbins and scissors to name a few.

Then there was the 915 model, which basically followed the 914 model. There was no difference between the two, except that the former had a cover, which could protect the sewing machine from dust and constant movement. Perhaps one of the first half-case sewing machines was no. 4 New homemade sewing machine.

It was still ornate, but the body was made mostly of nickel. There were also a number of attachments included that you could use right away.

Newer types of sewing machines from New Home include the 104D, which is actually a mechanical model. It has an added feature, which is a carry handle so you can comfortably carry it wherever you go.

There are also twin needles that you can find included in the sewing machine, so you can sew two colors at the same time. In addition, there are feed dogs, which will later help you in the creation of stitches so that they do not end up puckering or stretching the fabric. For its part, another mechanical model is the L-373. There are 13 built-in stitches, as well as a buttonhole function.

Having a New Home sewing machine means that you have a very solid machine that may not be as technological or advanced as other sewing machines, but it can last a long time. They are perfect collectibles, or as family heirlooms for your children and even your grandchildren.