The advantages and disadvantages of facial peels

Not many people yearn for the concept of getting old. This is because no matter how old we are, deep down we still feel the same.

That’s why we are horrified when we see ourselves in the mirror, with sagging skin and wrinkles, when inside we don’t feel very different from how we felt when we had a baby face and moist skin.

This is why there is a boom in the anti aging skin care industry. Young and young at heart alike, there is a mad rush for products that promise the fountain of youth.

Facial peels, or skin peels, are one of the available options. These are generally quite effective, unfortunately they have drawbacks, and I would like to briefly list the pros versus cons of going the facial peel route for anti aging skin care.

Advantages of using Facial Peels:

1. The effects of these peels are noticeable almost immediately after

2. These effects can also be quite significant

3. Facial peels work to diminish fine lines, smooth skin, and fade age spots and other skin discolorations.

Disadvantages of using Facial Peels:

1. Procedures like these are usually quite expensive and must be administered at a spa, dermatologist, or salon.

2. Just the word “peel” can give us a clue as to what exactly will be done to your skin. And yes, it tends to feel as painful as it looks.

3. If there is pain or discomfort, there will also likely be a recovery period or downtime

4. The effects of these peels, while tremendous, also tend to be temporary and require regular maintenance.

I think it’s pretty obvious that the downsides of facial peels actually outnumber their upsides. That’s why I personally prefer to use skin creams to achieve the anti-aging result I’m aiming for.

There are a large number of effective skin creams, the most effective would be the one that contains clinically proven substances that can increase the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are vital proteins that are responsible for smooth, supple and healthy skin.

However, there is a downside to using skin creams. Even really effective anti aging skin creams require a certain amount of patience in application before achieving significant results. I think it’s a small price to pay for a cost-effective, natural, effective and permanent solution to younger-looking skin.