The 3 building blocks to creating your own affirmations by Louise Hay

Creating your own affirmations isn’t that difficult and, in fact, could be even more beneficial to you than using the generic templates on offer, hurt your heart, like Louise Hay’s affirmations.

And that is not to say anything bad about it, but just to bring to your awareness that personal affirmations can drive more energetic power and therefore bring better results and feelings.

The reasoning behind this is that when you create your own affirmations, they come from a deeper space of being and no one but yourself can find the right words that will have the greatest impact on you.

We all have our own vocabulary and way of speaking and we all use different words to describe similar situations.

Some people like to swear a lot when they’re excited. Others don’t.

The point is that words will weigh a different emotional score depending on how the person perceives a particular meaning behind certain specific words.

You can use this to your advantage in a very powerful way when you start to become an integral part of the affirmation ritual.

I hope you can see the power of this.

There are principles of affirmations [] that can help you lay the groundwork and even automate the process of this to help you achieve your desires, connect with your higher self in a deeper way, and get closer to your dreams in unexplained ways that seem like sheer luck to strangers.

In fact, you can attract good luck in every area of ​​your life and make it look easy while you’re at it.

Here are 3 very important fundamentals that you should always keep in mind when creating your own affirmations:

1. Always say it in the present tense

This grounds you in the NOW, where all energy comes from. It allows you to live fully in your mind the experience that you are verbally enunciating.

2. Make it personal

Don’t do what you think other people would want you to want. Make it something that strikes an emotional chord in your system, remember that you are doing it for yourself. So using personal words that are part of your vocabulary can help.

3. Make it specific

Specificity and clarity allow you to more clearly visualize what you want. This enhances your experience, emotions and speeds up the pull factor that your affirmation has.

Simply put, the better you feel about using these affirmations, the better the results. That’s because you’re actually invoking your “Higher Self,” and that’s when the highest good for all lines up for you.

TIP: Luckily, there’s a revolutionary new approach to affirmations that practically makes you a luck magnet. Find out how technical claims [] you can improve your chances of getting lucky in every area of ​​your life.