Texas Goes To The Dogs – Basic Pet Care for a Summer of Fun

Is here. It’s finally here. After a harsh Texas winter, the shorts are coming off and the white legs shine underneath. Yes, Texans in Austin, Dallas, Houston and the small towns along the eastern border are already tanning.

Yet somewhere in the midst of the flashy Gulf calls, there’s an equally important safety call. Summer brings great times: trips to the water, barbecues with the neighbors, long walks in the park, vacations across the country and, for certain patients with conditions like seasonal affective disorder (SAD), even relief. But with those pleasures and privileges come risks, not only for us, but also for our pets.

No one is more excited about summer than our animal companions, particularly dogs. It means more outings, more car rides, more walks, more quality time with the people you love most. There are millions of pet owners in the United States alone, and the number is growing, including those who think of their pets as children. With more and more people purchasing pet health insurance along with their own policies, gourmet pet treat shops are springing up everywhere, and it seems even neighborhood grocery stores in Dallas and Houston offer a wide selection of pet treats. animal toys So before you take any trips, across town or across the country, with temperatures already above 90 F on average in Texas, be sure to review these summer pet care tips, such as they are summarized in the Humane Society guidelines.

Daily care:

Hopefully, it goes without saying: make sure your animal has enough food, water, and shade. Animals can quickly overheat, so if conditions are not right, death can occur within a day. Check the water frequently; make sure it’s fresh and there’s plenty of it. If your animal lives outside, secure a cool, shady spot to escape the heat. Excessive heat is miserable for anyone, including your pets.

If you can avoid chaining your pets, do so. Being on a leash for an extended period of time can literally drive an animal crazy. If chaining is a daily operation, make sure the duration is as short as possible, allow frequent breaks, and make sure your pet can comfortably reach food, water, and shade. Place all food and water away from the chain, so they don’t spill when the animal moves.

Also consider alternatives. Try an obedience course. Many well-trained dogs will stay exactly where they are told until further notice. Technology has advanced in recent years, offering new options. For example, “invisible fences” are now on the market at affordable prices, many with a one-time investment of just a few hundred dollars.

Car care:

It’s tempting to take our pets, particularly our dogs, on those everyday errands. With lives so busy, a little car adventure seems like an ideal way to spend time with our animal companions while still getting things done. But in temperatures like this, it’s just not wise. The interior of a car can heat up to 120 F in minutes, even in the shade. Since dogs and cats cannot sweat, but only dissipate heat through the pads of their feet or by panting, such temperatures, even temporarily, can prove deadly. Leave the pets at home while you run errands and make that special moment for your animal friends when you return.


Exercise is just as important to the health of our animals as it is to our own. Keep an eye on the temperature. On hot days, be sure to go for a walk early in the morning or in the evening. Watch for signs of distress and, if possible, exercise your animal on cool, soft grass. Asphalt can heat up to scorching temperatures and can literally burn the balls of your feet. He also supervises the game in the pool. Many unfortunate animal deaths have occurred in an unsecured swimming pool, which seems as attractive to them as it does to us.

Warning signs:

Watch for signs of heat exhaustion, particularly with older, short-nosed, thick-coated dogs. Danger signs include heavy panting, glassy eyes, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, a staggering gait, vomiting, and a deep red or purple tongue. If heat exhaustion occurs, move your animal to a cool, shady spot right away, pour cool (not cold) water over him or her, and wrap cool towels around the head, chest, and neck. Encourage your animal to drink small amounts of water at a time or lick at an ice cube. Then take your pet to the vet right away.

Lawn care:

Summer is also a time of work, a lot of work in the garden. Lawn care and gardening can be relaxing and enjoyable activities, filled with the rewards of a beautiful home and good products. But be careful when using insecticides. Many chemicals used in lawns and gardens, as well as 700 species of plants, are poisonous to animals. To make sure your pet is free to play, read labels and ask lots of questions. Most insecticides come with warnings, and your local garden store should be able to clear up any issues you’re unsure about. Choosing organic garden supplies is a great way to reduce these risks.

A biting problem:

Bites are more common in the summer simply because there is more interaction between pets and people. To reduce the risk of bites, make sure you know your animal. If he or she has territorial or aggressive tendencies, watch your pet closely. Keep dogs on a leash when they’re away from home, just in case. After all, it may not be your animal companion causing the problem; Unfortunately, loose and aggressive animals are not an anomaly, and you’ll have better control over the situation if your pet is on a leash. Spaying or neutering will also reduce aggressive and territorial tendencies.

Medications and IDs:

Prepare for travel by making sure your animals’ vaccinations and medications are up to date. Heartworm is of particular concern, as the disease is transmitted through mosquito bites. Ask your vet first about any over-the-counter medications, including flea and tick medications. The size of the animal is important, as are allergies and the manufacturing company. Unfortunately, there are dangerous products on the market.

Check ID tags or chips to make sure all information is up to date, including contact information. Many pets get lost during the holidays and have no way of getting home without proper identification. However, with updated tags or chips, they are just a phone call away.

Pets are a responsibility, and we must not forget it. Their lives are in our hands every day and they depend on us to love them, feed them and give them water, exercise and stimulation. But they are also wonderful companions and a lot of fun! Take care of yourself, and take care of them. Reward them for their unconditional love and loyalty by making sure everything they need is provided during these hot months ahead. With proper care and preparation, it can be your best summer together!

Taking care of your pets can also lead to a greater awareness of how you are taking care of yourself. When, for example, was the last time you had a checkup? How you care for your body will undoubtedly affect your health now, and as you age, and eventually your wallet as well. If you are a young person trying to stay informed and maintain a healthy lifestyle and condition, you should check out the revolutionary, comprehensive and highly affordable individual health insurance solutions created by Precedent specifically for you. Visit our website, [http://www.precedent.com], for more information. We offer a unique and innovative suite of individual health insurance solutions, including highly competitive HSA-qualified plans and an unparalleled “real-time” application and acceptance process.