Some factors that influence water needs

There are many essential things in human life. Water is one of the most critical examples. Many people often ask about the ideal amount to drink and use every day. In this case, there are many different factors that you have to deal with and some of the possible examples will be explained below. Basically, the explanation will give you more information about the factors that influence the water needs in daily life. Finally you will see the reasons why someone has different needs than others.

Basically, there are four main things that differentiate water needs. They are such as exercise, the environment, certain health conditions and also pregnancy. Breastfeeding is also recently asserted as the possible factor. If you like to exercise or participate in activities that make you sweat, drinking extra water is good to prevent dehydration. It’s great for compensating for fluid loss. In this case, running a marathon will require you to drink more frequently. The additional fluid you need will largely depend on the duration and also the type of exercise.

The next factor that differentiates water needs is the environment. It is very related to the weather. People who are in a hot or humid area will tend to sweat and need more fluids. Also, the heated indoor air will force people to increase their water intake. What about the other factors? The determined health condition, pregnancy and lactation are the other three factors to consider. People commonly lose the fluid when they experience some conditions like fever and vomiting. Certain cases show that the doctor will recommend some solutions to help the patients like Gatorade, CeraLyte or Powerade. If you don’t like that type of drink, you can change it by increasing your water intake.

Pregnancy will force the woman to drink enough water. In this case, large amounts of fluid become an important aspect, especially during lactation. The recommended amount is 2.3 liters. That will be the same as 10 cups. Women who are breastfeeding need to consume 3.1 liters or about 13 cups of fluids. Breastfeeding will require women to drink more water due to the fact that they are sharing it with their baby. What group do you belong to? In conclusion, someone should evaluate your activity to understand the correct amount of water to drink. And you? Do you know your needs?