Skinning: The Unknown Jewel of the World of Warcraft

Skinning in WoW is probably one of the easiest professions to make money from. You find a beast, kill it, skin it, and then sell it. As a result of skinning, it’s very easy to make a small profit from your leveling sessions. However, many players underestimate skinning as a lucrative profession. With the release of Wrath of the Lich King, the skinning market has exploded with potential.

What things should you look for?

Boreal Leather: Requires level 70+ to obtain. You can get this by skinning many of the beasts in Northrend, however lower level mobs will only give you leather scraps, while higher levels will yield 2-3 pieces of leather. This is the most common thing you’ll come across throughout your travels and, if marketed correctly, really makes skinning worthwhile as a profitable profession.

Nerubian Chitin – The best place to farm this is Scourgeholme in Icecrown. Nerubian Chitin is primarily used to craft Frostskin Leg Armor.

Icy Dragon Scales – Most players go to Sholazar Basin to find this rare skin, it is mostly used for Ice Scales leg armor.

Arctic Fur – It is available as a drop from all mobs, but it is very rare, it drops about 1% of the time. But it can be sold at high prices. Once you get a drop of Arctic Fur you may not want to sell it, the icon looks nice and so does the blue name, however once you sell it you will start to realize the true potential of skinning as a lucrative profession .

For any profession to be profitable, you must be willing to do the work involved. Search the auction house, see what’s there and the related prices. Then look for what is not there, with the simple concept of supply and demand it is very easy to turn one of the most neglected professions in the world into a powerful money-making profession.