Rock hard female abs

It’s okay, ladies. So you want to get in shape and get some rock hard female abs? The trick for women is to get down to less than 16% body fat. There are several ways to do this. Let’s start with the easiest and end with the most difficult.

1. Drink a lot of green tea and take cayenne pepper capsules. Researchers have found that these two foods have the ability to increase your resting metabolic rate and therefore burn more fat. Well, that wasn’t too hard, was it?
2. Don’t go on a diet. Diets are fixed short term for a lifetime situation. Just change your nutrition habits. Instead of eating highly processed and refined foods that come in a box or bag, eat foods that are closer to the way nature designed them. Eat fruits and vegetables and nuts. Eat lean beef or bison, fish, and chicken or turkey. Still not too bad, right?
3. Start doing cardio. But, the type of cardio you do will be important. While running or doing the stair climber for hours on end will burn a lot of calories, doing short sprints will actually boost your metabolism so that you burn fat even when you’re resting. There, that was a bit more difficult, but not too bad.
4. Start lifting weights. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn to get into the 16% body fat range. The best exercises to do this work multiple muscle groups and will help increase your metabolism. Do exercises like deadlifts and jerks, squats, and lunges (these will also firm your legs and buttocks).
5. Now that you’ve finished all those other steps to get down to 16% body fat, you can start doing squats and leg raises, crunches, and bicycles. These will really bring out your rock hard female abs.