Prescription Drugs for Hypertension: What Prescription Drug Companies DON’T Want You to Know!

You or a loved one suffers from the ‘silent killer’ of high blood pressure, or hypertension. Unfortunately, you are dealing with a very deadly disease that kills nearly 60,000 Americans each year. Fortunately, you know that you (or a loved one) have high blood pressure, and you are doing something about it! Information is one of the most important tools you have to not let high blood pressure take your life!

Before you start treating your high blood pressure with hypertension medications, it’s important to know what you might be getting from your medications. And like some things, prescription drugs for high blood pressure have their good points and their bad points!

What the prescription drug companies don’t want you to know…

one. Diuretics: Although diuretics relieve water and sodium from your body (lowering blood pressure), did you know that diuretics literally drain your body of valuable nutrients that keep you healthy? IS THERE NO BETTER OPTION?

2. beta blockers: Beta blockers create a slowdown of the heart thus relieving the pressure. However, common side effects include: fatigue, cold hands/feet (poor circulation), dizziness, dry mouth/eyes/skin, and asthma-like symptoms. NO, THANKS!

3. ACE inhibitors: ACE inhibitors inhibit the formation of angiotensin II, which relaxes the arteries and therefore lowers blood pressure. Unfortunately, common side effects include loss of taste, rash, harsh cough, and sometimes kidney failure. NEXT!

4. Alpha Blockers: Alpha blockers relax muscles and keep blood pressure low. But listen to this, common side effects of alpha blockers are headaches (migraines), nausea, fatigue, weight gain, pounding heartbeat, and increased bad cholesterol and in some cases cause heart failure. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

5. Vasodilators: Vasodilators are often a drug of last resort and have serious side effects. Side effects include: chest pain, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, fluid retention (edema), nausea, vomiting, dizziness, flushing, headache, nasal congestion, and excessive hair growth. WHO IN THEIR FAIR WANTS THAT?

6. The cost: Did you know that millions of people spend millions of dollars on these drugs alone? That is why healthcare is a multi-billion dollar industry! IS THERE ANYTHING CHEAPER?

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I was surprised to find that the prescription drugs for high blood pressure were worse than high blood pressure disease. But is there a better way? Yeah! In fact, There is a cheaper, more effective (not a prescription band-aid), more permanent, and more natural way to make your blood pressure plummet. Our natural cure for high blood pressure has helped thousands save their lives from the deadly disease of hypertension. What would you give to end the worry, give you and your family peace of mind, send your blood pressure plummeting, and get your life back? Thousands of dollars? Hundreds? How about a fraction of what an HBP drug prescription would cost? Take a minute to see what others have said about our 100% risk free and money back guaranteed solution report. Don’t wait another day to treat your hypertension problem!

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