Potty Training Tips – Tips for Potty Problems

Are you and your formerly angelic little boy or girl struggling with diapers and potties? Are you just tired of cleaning up the masses of babies every day? Are potty-related tantrums taking the life out of you? If you’re nodding firmly to these questions, then you probably desperately need potty training tips.

Potty training. Who knew that these two little words could trigger so many different emotions in a parent? You certainly didn’t when you were still living the “fashionable” single life. But now that this baby has entered your life, these two words inspire anticipation, fear, excitement, dread, and hope all at the same time. And she’s driving you crazy.

Let’s get to the point. Becoming a parent is one of the most beautiful and fulfilling things you can experience in life. But we need all the help and support we can get, especially when we’re new on the job. Here are some potty training tips to help turn training hell into sweet success.

  1. The Preparedness Factor
  2. Before you even start thinking about potty training your child, you need to make sure your child is ready. The basic signs are: being able to tell the difference between a clean and dirty diaper, expressing discomfort at pee/poop time, and thereafter some level of bladder and bowel control and interest in bathroom habits. Some children start showing these signs at 18 months, others take much longer. Wait and be patient.

  3. a family affair
  4. Make it a family effort. Ask your husband to teach your little boy to use the potty “like a man.” He goes shopping for cute boys’ briefs with your daughter. Having mom and dad excited about this new stage in their life will encourage your child to succeed in it.