Plumbing Questions Answered: What are the advantages of a low-flush toilet?

It may be the most important seat in your house. When everyone gets up in the morning, it’s the first place we go and the last at night. Call it what you like – the toilet, the headboard, the toilet, the porcelain throne – the toilet is an integral part of your home, and as such, it must function properly. Those of you who are green-minded and looking to take steps to “green” your home may have looked into green plumbing options. A low flush toilet is such an item, but you really have to ask yourself… is it worth it?

Let’s face it, if you have a big house, the bathroom gets used quite often. When you consider how young children need to adjust to proper toileting procedure—that is, not filling the toilet with toilet paper so you don’t see water anymore—a low-flush model may not be best right now. There are advantages to owning one though, so keep these factors in mind when looking for ways to green your living space.

1) Low-flush toilets help conserve water. Enough water is wasted in the bathroom as it is, between brushing your teeth and running the shower to warm up. You want to save where you can, and a low scrubber is designed to use no more than a gallon or two per use.

2) These types of dressers are also smaller in size. Because they don’t use as much water, the tank isn’t as big as a standard toilet. If you have space problems in a small bathroom, this can be considered an advantage.

3) Profitability is another factor in the bathroom accessories market. A low discharge pump can save you money in the long run, and as they become more popular in homes, they may become more affordable than other models.

4) Depending on where you live, you may be subject to water conservation laws. These are the rules that limit when you can water your lawn and do other things. Having a low-level throne can help you stay a law-abiding citizen.

5) Although the baths are preserved, they are known to last. As long as you keep it in place, wax seals could last up to 30 years.

For a green home environment, start with the rooms that are used most often. Replacing your water-intensive toilet with a low-flush alternative is one way to save money while protecting the planet.