Opinion Leaders: Using Articles to Empower Yourself and Your Personal Brand

A “thought leader” is someone who is recognized as an authority in his or her field of expertise … also known as a visionary. Few people set out to become a “thought leader” or “guru,” but there are good reasons to establish yourself not just as an expert, but as a high-level expert or “thought leader” for your market.

How can you become a “thought leader” for your niche or industry?

In addition to taking risks, leading an industry leading company, being vocal on your own blog, and posting comments on other top industry blogs and forums within your niche … the easy answer to help dominate your niche. it is by using quality, unique and original articles!

Here’s a mini course on how to start building your own “thought leadership” through EzineArticles submissions:

AMOUNT: You will need over 100 articles to do this really well, and as you get closer to the 500-1,000 article level, you will be closer to reaching a saturation point that builds buzz around your name, your ideas, your articles and your opinions. of experts.

Could you influence a market with 1 or 2 articles? No. Can you do it with 10-50 items? Maybe 10 years ago you could. Today’s market is very competitive and as such you have to do more than “what everyone else is doing” if you want to stand out and rise to the top, especially if you are in an already very popular niche.

QUALITY: You want to use your articles to communicate your determined approach as the expert in your niche. This means quality articles, very little babble, and 1 or 2 links in the resource box that should reinforce your expertise and personal brand.

Note: Quality does not mean a large number of words. It is best if you keep your word count at 400-750 words per article so that you can achieve a high article count. A 500 word article has the same performance as a 5,000 word article, so why give the market more than they can absorb in an easy read? Today’s reader “scans” rather than deliberately reading every word of your articles.

CONTROVERSY: Unlike other reasons for writing articles, when you write to achieve market “thought leadership” status, you have to shake up the market by taking some gray issues and turning them black and white. This is a good opportunity to take current events and provide your expert analysis and support the reasons why certain issues are good or bad for the market, the economy, the world, etc.

CONSISTENCY: Writing articles is not a one-time Charlie routine, but rather a drum that you start to beat and every week for a few years, you hit the article submission drums louder and louder.

It’s worth creating a burst of shipments (50-250) when you initially start out, and then writing 10 to 100 new shipments per month until you reach a market saturation point where you feel you are putting your voice, your brand, your items on the front of the package.

PROMOTION: Once you distribute your articles through the various article directories, ezine editors, and specialized web directories in your niche, the next step is to further promote them by using them to establish credibility by participating in forums, blog comments, your own blog. . / online journal and your email newsletter.

“Thought leadership” through high-quality articles Conclusion:

It is possible to take the web by storm to position yourself as a ‘thought leader’ by sharing hundreds and thousands of your articles with your target market. Within 6-18 months, you can become a “thought leader” in your niche if you do what no one else is doing and with volume / quality that no one else has done to date for your niche. There is time and you can do it. Go for it! 🙂