New to Photoshop? Here are some tips

Most people, at one time or another, make use of Photoshop. This seemingly pretty app may seem a bit complicated for beginners. With so many different features and such a wide variety of things you can do with it, it’s not surprising that Photoshop beginners require some kind of guidance or tips before they get started in the world of Photoshop. According to a graphic web design company, Photoshop is widely used in the professional strata, and therefore beginners in web design and graphic design should have an initial idea about Photoshop.

Tips for those who are new to Photoshop:

• The first and most important thing to do when you sit down to Photoshop an image is to duplicate the background. This will give you much-needed space to make all the changes you want and still keep the original background in case you need it. Responsive website design makes use of this feature almost every time and for a beginner this is an important tip.

• Click in the layer window. You will know the different layers of which your image is made. Now click on each layer individually to edit it. If you edit an image as a whole, it won’t have the same charm as an image that has been edited on different layers. In case you want to add a new layer, select the Add Layer option. Overlay is very important to give the much needed effect to the photo and a web design company once claimed that it was one of the most important features of Photoshop.

• You don’t have to want to edit every pixel of your image. So select the area you want to work on. To select an area, hold down the shift button and then drag the mouse to define the area you want to work on.

• If the image is skewed and you think it can be straightened out a bit, use the ruler tool and rotate the canvas as needed. You can straighten the horizon or tilt the angle as you see fit.

• You can make colors pop, or more prominent, and help your image tell the story you want to convey. The best way to do this would be to select a layer and select a soft light. Use a soft light in a single layer, and the colors will pop even more.

• There is a filter gallery built into Photoshop, allowing the user to add different filters and make colors pop or fade, or light fluctuate according to their needs. Various filters are available and you can add various filters to an image. Filters are probably the most loved of all the options available with Photoshop and are the easiest to follow.

• Another way to focus on a particular object, which is placed in the center of the photo, is to add Vignette. This technique will darken the edges and gradually bring the light to the center of the image. Our eyes tend to pick out the brightest object first and focus more on it. And this technique makes use of that, since the area around the object is darker and the light is in the center, on the object of focus. You can go to lens correction and find Vignette there.