Let the fear of God replace your fears in life

We are all beset by anxieties in modern society. Sometimes it seems like the modern world will only work if we have things to worry about. But what happens when everyday anxieties turn into real fear? Who do we have to turn to in the most difficult moments?

“The fear of the Lord is a source of life” is the saying of Proverbs 14.27. Fear is an instinct that is built into our existence. Without it we wouldn’t know how to keep ourselves safe. But the correct use of fear is the fear of God. If we fear God, we have nothing to fear in life. Unfortunately, these days the opposite is usually true; we do not fear God, but we are terrified of life. Often the things that scare us are not real. We may fear the consequences of not paying our bills or walking down the street at night. But we can fear dogs. Or confined spaces. Or we may fear getting sick or nearing the end of our lives. All of these things can be put into perspective if we focus on the power of our one true Lord.

We must understand that God can do anything for us. He can work internally to give us courage, or externally to remove obstacles from our path. The only requirement is that we lean on him and give him all our anxieties. But the fear of God goes beyond simple dependence. Fear of God means fear of injustice. The plummeting moral values ​​of today’s society blur the differences between good and evil. Reading the scriptures helps restore your spiritual vision and refine your moral discernment. Put in simple language, if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear.

To make your daily existence a “source of life”, you must first of all experience the living water of Christ. This is the spiritual equivalent of washing every day. We would not think of going out into the world without a shower first, yet we happily wander about and carry out all our activities without spiritual cleansing. No wonder our “fountain” dries up. Another good quote to remember in this regard is “perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4.18). The best antidote for your anxieties is the love of your neighbor in the name of Jesus. Fear arises when love is absent and trust is broken. Start rebuilding those connections today by turning to the scriptures, to your Christian friends. Put your hands together in prayer and begin to feel the fear melt away.