Knee Joint Care: Orthopedic Experts Teach You How To Exercise

If you have knee joint disease, you may be concerned that exercise could lead to injury and pain in the knee joint. However, the real situation is that you can exercise to strengthen the muscles and soft tissues around the knee joint. Increasing the strength of the knee joint and maintaining flexibility of the knee joint is the best way to prevent knee joint injury. As long as the method is followed properly, your joint health will improve. This article will provide you with tips for knee joint exercises. Now, let’s start maintaining knee joint health!


Warming up before exercising can help you avoid injury. You can ride a stationary bike for 5 minutes and then walk for 2 minutes. You can do this while doing upper extremity activities, or you can push the wall for 15-20 reps as well.

Straight leg raises

If the condition of your knee joint is not very good, you can start with simple movements. These straight leg raises can exercise the quadriceps muscle, while putting almost no pressure on the knee joint. Lying on a yoga mat, bend one leg and step onto the floor. The other leg should be straight and raised to reach the height of the other leg. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Do 3 sets per day, with 10-15 reps in each set.

Bend your lower leg

This activity can exercise the muscle group in the back of the thigh. Stand in front of the back of a chair and hold onto the back of the chair. Raise one foot back until the knee is bent at a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Do 3 sets per day, with 15 reps per set. If this slow-paced activity is too relaxed, you can add a heavy ankle object, such as a bottle of mineral water, and then gradually increase the weight.

Straight leg dorsiflexion

Lie in the prone position and tighten the muscles of the buttocks and the muscles of the back of the thighs and calf. Raise one leg and hold this position for 3-5 seconds, lower it and repeat. Do 10-15 reps and then switch legs. While doing this exercise, you can also add weight to your ankle. This activity will not cause lower back pain, but if there is lower back pain, stop doing this exercise immediately.

Sits on the wall

This is an advanced exercise. Stand against the wall with your feet shoulder width apart. Slowly bend your knees, with your back and hips against the wall. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Don’t squat too deep or you will damage the knee joints. You can gradually extend the amount of time for each exercise.


Stand while holding the back of a chair or the handrail of a ladder, try to get on your toes slowly. After reaching the maximum level, hold this position for 3 seconds and then slowly lower again. Do this for 3 sets per day and for 10-15 reps each set. If it becomes easy, you can lift one foot and do the exercise with one foot.

Hip abduction

Lying on your side, bend your lower leg and then straighten your upper leg. Raise your taller leg out at a 45-degree angle. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds and then lower it slowly. Do 3 sets and 15 reps for each set and then switch legs. This activity can increase the lateral stability of the knee.