Information Overload In The Computer Age – Lifestyle Book Review

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the information flood day after day? You get it in your car listening to the radio and you listen to the news, you turn on the TV and you have 360 ​​channels to choose from, you open your email to find 300 incoming information, online newsletters, spam, business contacts, friends who send you those stupid jokes , and even notifications from places where you do business.

And now we all have smartphones, with too much information, more features than we’d care to learn about, along with texting, web browsing, twitter, news alerts, and who knows what’s in the next set of personal technology. devices. No wonder people feel overwhelmed. But it’s not like we didn’t see it coming. In fact, if you want to reflect a little more on this, I would like to recommend a very good book. One that certainly got me thinking the first time I read it, and things have only gotten worse since then. Today the book is;

“Data pollution; surviving information overload” by David Shenk

Although the author is a bit of a leftist, he is absolutely right in his summary of information overload and the computer age. And being from New York, I imagine his level of information is even higher than mine here on the West Coast, where things are more relaxed. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to reflect on the reality of the world we have built with this technology and the largest communication device ever invented; The Internet.

In fact, I am going to recommend this book to you one last time, as it will make you stop and think about your lifestyle and all that it means. I hope you will please consider this.